Opus X Lost City Cigars are handcrafted with rare tobaccos grown on small, exclusive plots, these cigars offer a unique, robust flavor that resonates with the story of their origin. The Lost City collection is more than a cigar; it’s a journey through history, a chance to savor a piece of a long-lost world.
God of Fire: Experience God of Fire series, a line of cigars that transcends the ordinary. This illustrious collection is divided into three distinct lines, each offering a unique path to cigar nirvana.
- Anniversario: Celebrate the grandeur of premium cigars with the Anniversario line. These cigars, known for their complex yet balanced flavor profile, are crafted to commemorate the artistry and tradition of cigar making. They are a perfect choice for those special moments that call for an extraordinary smoking experience.
- Don Carlos: The Don Carlos line is a homage to the legacy of cigar legends. Each cigar is a masterpiece, embodying the passion and craftsmanship passed down through generations. With a blend that offers a rich, spicy, and slightly sweet flavor, the Don Carlos is ideal for the aficionado seeking depth and complexity.
Carlito: Named after a renowned cigar master, the Carlito line is a testament to innovation in the world of premium cigars. These cigars are characterized by their bold, yet smooth flavors, a harmonious balance of strength and subtlety. The Carlito is for those who appreciate a cigar that makes a statement, both in taste and in craftsmanship.