Voltix Lighters

Montecristo Nicaragua Toro (6 x 54 / Box of 20) + Free Shipping! Free Voltix Lighter

SKU: montnictoro25

Original price was: $305.00.Current price is: $139.98.

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The Montecristo Nicaragua Toro is an exemplary selection that combines rich Nicaraguan flavor with classic craftsmanship. Crafted in a hefty 6 x 54 Toro, this cigar is a Nicaraguan puro, which means its filler, binder, and wrapper are all hailing from the esteemed regions of Nicaragua. Pairing impeccably with a dark stout or an aged rum, this limited-edition cigar delivers an unforgettable, finely tuned experience.

Highlights of the Montecristo Nicaragua Toro

Wrapped in a Nicaraguan leaf, the Montecristo Nicaragua Toro brims with hearty Nicaraguan fillers and binders, delivering a medium to full-bodied experience filled with distinctive notes. Prepared meticulously, this cigar reveals a symphony of flavors, from robust coffee and leather to sweet creamy caramel, delighting and surprising the palate in every puff.

About Montecristo Cigars

Montecristo is a renowned name in the cigar industry, with a rich history dating back to 1935. Known for delivering consistent quality, Montecristo Cigars carry a prestige that has been acknowledged and awarded time and time again. The brand is no stranger to high ratings from Cigar Aficionado, with Montecristo’s Nicaragua Series No. 2 cigar earning a distinguished 90-point rating.

The Montecristo Nicaragua Toro, with its alluring blend and expert craftsmanship, is sure to follow suit in garnering acclaim in the cigar community. It serves as a perfect illustration of the brand’s commitment to high standards and its knack for creating memorable cigar experiences.

For the discerning cigar lovers looking for a top-quality smoke, the Montecristo Nicaragua Toro is a must-try. Hiland’s Cigars offers this exquisite selection at discount prices, alongside quick and reliable shipping services. Rated for its 5-star customer service, customers can trust Hiland’s for their cigar needs.

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