3x3 Tubos by Davidoff
Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Davidoff, founded by Zino Davidoff, began in 1911 in Geneva, Switzerland. Known for luxury, the brand has always focused on quality and innovation in the cigar industry. Over the years, Davidoff has become synonymous with premium cigars, setting standards for others to follow.
Founding Year: 1911
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Davidoff is revered for its meticulous attention to detail, from tobacco selection to the final product. Their Cigars are often described as the epitome of luxury, with a reputation for consistency, complexity, and a refined smoking experience. They are frequently ranked among the best in the world, appealing to both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
Release Date: Early 2000s
The 3×3 Tubos by Davidoff was introduced as part of their ongoing commitment to offer cigars in travel-friendly formats. This line was designed to provide the same high-quality Davidoff experience in a more portable size. “We wanted to ensure that our customers could enjoy our cigars anywhere, anytime,” said a Davidoff representative.
3×3 Tubos by Davidoff Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The 3×3 Tubos line was inspired by the need for a convenient, yet luxurious cigar experience. It combines the traditional Davidoff quality with modern convenience, allowing smokers to enjoy a premium cigar in a shorter time frame.
General Characteristics: Smooth, creamy, well-balanced, aromatic, elegant
Tasting Notes: Cedar, nuts, cream, spice, chocolate
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos
Aging Process and Notes: The tobaccos are aged for a minimum of 3 years, ensuring a mellow and refined flavor profile.
Strength Estimate: Medium
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control, including visual inspection, draw testing, and a final sensory evaluation by expert rollers.
Unique Packing
The 3×3 Tubos are presented in aluminum tubes, which not only protect the cigar but also add to the luxury and travel-friendly aspect of the product.
Who Will Appreciate 3×3 Tubos by Davidoff?
Target Audience: Business professionals, travelers, and cigar enthusiasts looking for a quick yet luxurious smoke.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium product, reflecting the quality and brand prestige.
Type of Smoker: Experienced and Expert smokers
- Single malt Scotch
- Espresso
- Dark chocolate
The 3×3 Tubos by Davidoff offers a unique blend of luxury and convenience, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate fine cigars but are often on the move. Its reputation for quality, combined with the innovative packaging, ensures that it stands out in the market. This line is particularly appealing for its ability to deliver a full Davidoff experience in a shorter format, appealing to both the palate and the lifestyle of modern cigar aficionados.
Q: Where can I buy 3×3 Tubos by Davidoff?
A: You can purchase 3×3 Tubos by Davidoff at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: How long does a 3×3 Tubos cigar typically last?
A: These cigars are designed for a quick smoke, typically lasting about 20-30 minutes, making them perfect for short breaks or travel.
Q: Are these cigars suitable for beginners?
A: While they are crafted with the expertise of Davidoff, their medium strength and complex flavors might be more appreciated by experienced smokers.
Q: What makes the 3×3 Tubos different from other Davidoff lines?
A: The 3×3 Tubos are specifically designed for portability and convenience, offering the same quality in a smaller, travel-friendly format.
Q: Can I age these cigars further?
A: While they are aged for optimal flavor, you can age them further if you prefer a more mellow taste, but the aluminum tubes are not ideal for long-term aging.