Voltix Lighters

AJ Fernandez New World Cameroon Toro (6×50 / Box of 20)

Original price was: $175.20.Current price is: $87.60.

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The AJ Fernandez New World Cameroon Toro is a study in sophistication and fine craftsmanship. This cigar comes to us from Nicaragua, showcasing a sturdy 6×50 shape wrapped in a distinguished Cameroon leaf. It’s the medium-full strength blend of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos that truly sets this cigar apart from others in the market. Pair it with a dark, smooth whiskey for an elegant evening, or a bold cup of coffee to start your day on a high note.

Highlights of the AJ Fernandez New World Cameroon Toro:

This cigar stands out due to its exquisite selection of high-quality tobaccos. The wrapper is a fine Cameroon leaf enhancing the flavors of the meticulously aged Nicaraguan binder and filler, resulting in a jaw-dropping flavor profile. It doesn’t brag about any unusual technologies but relies on the age-old crafting methods to join the ranks of timeless classics.

About AJ Fernandez Cigars:

AJ Fernandez Cigars is an esteemed brand in the cigar world with a consistent track record of creating top quality cigars since its establishment. Their dedication to blending and rolling premium tobaccos has earned them respect in the industry. This cigar has been honored with a score of 89 by the Cigar Aficionado, a testament to their exceptional quality and craftsmanship.

AJ Fernandez Cigars has also been recognized in other cigar publications, their products praised for their ability to give a satisfying smoke without compromising on taste or strength. They’ve created a reputation synonymous with the rich Nicaraguan cigar traditions.

The AJ Fernandez New World Cameroon Toro is an offering that shouldn’t be overlooked. For connoisseurs or newcomers alike, it’s a suitable choice that delivers a rich and rewarding smoking experience. Take advantage of Hiland’s Cigars’ everyday discount prices and quick shipping. Experience unrivaled customer service as we aim to give our customers unparalleled service. Don’t hesitate; elevate your cigar experience with us today.

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