The San Lotano Oval Maduro Robusto is an exceptional cigar hailing from Nicaragua, crafted by the renowned AJ Fernandez. This 5″ Robusto, which is the impeccable representative of medium to full strength cigars, is wrapped with an Ecuadorian Habano Maduro Especial wrapper that binds good quality Nicaraguan tobacco. The distinctly Oval shaped cigar is filled with an interesting blend of Nicaraguan, Honduran, Dominican fillers along with AJ Fernandez’s secret filler. This meticulously curated blend of spices, cocoa, coffee, cedar, leather, and hay emits an earthy richness, totally justifying the medium-strong body of the cigar.
Highlights of the San Lotano Oval Maduro Robusto: The unique blend of fillers lends a unique flavor profile to the cigar, offering strong notes of cedar, leather, and deep earthiness. Red pepper stings the palate, while cocoa intensifies with a hint of sweetness and a dash of fruitiness.
About AJ Fernandez Cigars:
AJ Fernandez, the legendary cigar maker from Nicaragua, is highly admired for his innovative spirit and the ability to craft blends that offer a unique smoking experience. Quality is a hallmark of AJ Fernandez cigars, with each hand-rolled cigar exuding a distinctive richness and complexity.
The San Lotano Oval Maduro Robusto, an offering from AJ Fernandez, has been featured in many respected publications due to its unique flavor profile. It’s indeed a widely admired cigar in the fraternity of cigar aficionados.
Experience the distinct blend and shape of the San Lotano Oval Maduro Robusto available at discount prices at Hiland’s Cigars. We ensure quick shipping on all orders with our 5-star customer service. Remember, at Hiland’s Cigar, we offer great cigars at great prices every day!
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