The Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Maduro brings the experience of a classic Dominican cigar, packed in traditional cedar sleeves for an extra layer of flavour. With a rich Maduro wrapper enveloping an intricately blended mix of Dominican binder and filler, this Double Corona stands tall at 7.6 inches, maintaining a consistent and satisfying 54 ring gauge. Pair this cigar with a stiff glass of bourbon for that complete exquisite smoking experience.
Highlights of the Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Maduro
This cigar boasts a nearly black Maduro wrapper, lending to its rich, earthy flavors. The woodsy, meaty, bacon-like notes contribute to an incredibly unique and satisfying experience familiar to fans of Arturo Fuente. There are no proprietary technologies used in this cigar, staying true to traditional cigar-making techniques.
About Arturo Fuente Cigars:
Arturo Fuente is a renowned name in the cigar community. The brand has firmly established itself as a mark of quality and craftsmanship, consistently producing cigars that are a blend of exceptional taste and construction. Arturo Fuente believes in maintaining an unparalleled standard, always delivering a product that speaks for itself. Steeped in a rich history, the brand has numerous accolades and top ratings to its name.
This cigar has won significant recognition and consistently scores an 86 rating from Cigar Aficionado, signifying the brand’s attention to creating “Exceptional” cigars. It has also been proudly featured in the publication’s Top 25 of the Year section multiple times, further solidifying the Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Maduro as a fan favorite.
The Arturo Fuente Royal Salute Maduro is a fantastic entry point for cigar lovers looking to experience the brand’s selection, but it’s also a must-try for seasoned smokers. With Hiland’s Cigars, you can explore the wide range of Arturo Fuente offerings at discounted prices every day. Enjoy the advantages of swift shipping on orders and the reassurance that comes with 5-star customer service from Hiland’s.
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