The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story is a beloved member of the premium cigar family. From the renowned Dominican Republic, this petite Figurado shaped beauty sports a medium strength level that is absolutely ideal for both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts. Wrapped with love, the earthy sweetness offers a unique tasting experience that sets it apart from other cigars. While its rich nuttiness further enhances the smoking pleasure. Perfect to pair with a glass of smooth rum or even a robust coffee, this cigar embraces you with its decadent array of flavors.
Highlights of the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story
Boasting meticulous craftsmanship, the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story showcases a medium-bodied taste profile that features a beautiful blend of earthy sweetness and nuttiness. Promising an exquisite smoking experience, this Dominican beauty is finished with a Figurado shape, wrapped in hints of earth and nut.
About Arturo Fuente Cigars:
Arturo Fuente Cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic with a fusion of expertly cultivated, patiently aged tobaccos. With lionized cigar makers, they consistently deliver top quality smokes which have given them both acclaim and a loyal following. Among their prestigious awards, they have been lauded by Cigar Aficionado, adding credibility to the brand’s stand-alone quality.
The Arturo Fuente Cigars has had mentions in famous publications like Cigar Aficionado for their finesse in blending and rolling the perfect cigar illustrative of the country’s rich cigar heritage. The brand, over the years, has proved its worth with numerous accolades.
Place your order for the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story with Hiland’s Cigars today, and get ready for an experience beyond compare. There’s no need to wait – with our swift shipping and 5-star customer service, you’ll be savoring these top-notch cigars in no time. We offer discount prices on cigars every day but we never compromise on quality, that’s guaranteed!
Customer Reviews
Jack H –
Whether I’m in NY in the winter or PHX in the summer, circumstances sometimes dictate how much time I have available for a satisfying smoke. Without a doubt, this is what I reach for. Excellent flavor delivery system for about 15-20 minutes then you’re back inside and comfy. Try it.
Scott Hiland –
Jack, your right it the cigar with the perfect length, thanks for your business. Scott