Package Count: 20
Cigar Length: 6
Cigar Ring: 46
Cigar Origin: Dominican Republic
Cigar Strength: Mild
The Ashton Cabinet is the “White Burgundy” of cigars. “White Burgundy” gets its rich complex taste from the soil and aging of the grape in French oak barrels. The Cabinet’s 4 to 5 year old Dominican filler blend has a rich, complex and well rounded taste. The extraordinary Connecticut shade wrapper is aged for an extra year and has an elegant palamino color resulting in a smooth and creamy flavor. The Ashton Cabinet includes no less than six different tobaccos and ends with a “big finish.” Seven years pass from seedling to finished cigar before Ashton Cabinet is brought to fruition and presented for your smoking pleasure.
Package Count: 20
Cigar Length: 6
Cigar Ring: 46
Cigar Origin: Dominican Republic
Cigar Strength: Mild
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