The Backwoods Russian Cream (4.5×32/Package of 40) originates from the USA, bringing a small, unique cigar loaded with a blend of authentic earthy flavors cloaked in a creamy, luscious aroma. This small, rustic cigar, packed with vodka and coffee liqueur flavors, and hints of fresh cream and dark coffee, is an excellent choice for a quick, flavorful smoke.
Highlights of Backwoods Russian Cream
Constructed beautifully, this cigar showcases an all-natural Broadleaf wrapper which is aged for at least 12 months for an enhanced sweet taste. Inside, 12 mild, natural filler tobaccos from different corners of the world provide the cigar’s entrancing core. It is sold in an airtight foil pouch in packages of eight sets of five cigars to ensure freshness with an unforgettable taste and aroma.
About Backwoods Cigars:
As a cigar brand known for its unique, homespun style, and delectably mild smoke, Backwoods Cigars have been a favorite among cigar lovers, boasting an uncompromising commitment to quality. The brand’s flavors and rugged construction embody a genuine, unpretentious spirit savored by both casual and connoisseur smokers.
Backwoods Cigars are associated with a robust, outdoorsy lifestyle and are often enjoyed while camping or hiking. With their unconventional style and superior flavor, these cigars have carved their niche in the cigar world.
To enjoy a Backwoods Russian Cream is to relish the authentic taste of premium tobacco, wrapped in an all-natural Broadleaf. Famed for their short burn time and rustic charm, these cigars guarantee a tasty smoke that’s always enjoyable. Don’t miss this chance to savor these beloved cigars from Hiland’s Cigars. Discount prices on Cigars every day, quick shipping on orders and 5-star customer services are prominent features of Hiland’s Cigars that you can count on. Order now and begin your own Backwoods experience.
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