Voltix Lighters

Blue Mountain Cigars Threesome (6×60 / Bundle of 24)

SKU: 1221000102464

Original price was: $179.98.Current price is: $139.98.

Cigar Length
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The Blue Mountain Cigars Threesome is a distinct and innovative offering from the renowned Nicaraguan brand. A bundle of 24 uniquely crafted cigars, each divided into three sections, with each section featuring a different blend and wrapper. This exciting trio of flavors within a single cigar provides a rich, medium-full strength smoking experience. With a length of 6 inches and a ring gauge of 60, they’re built to deliver a prolonged and satisfying session. Satisfy your discerning palate with these gordo style cigars, perfect for a relaxed evening by the fireside or a post-dinner indulgence.

Highlights of the Blue Mountain Cigars Threesome

The most innovative point about these cigars is their tri-partite composition. Three distinct blends of tobacco fillers and unique wrappers, all rolled into one cigar, creating an evolving sensation of flavors during each smoke. With each puff, savor a journey moving from one blend to another seamlessly.

About Blue Mountain Cigars:

The brainchild of cigar enthusiasts, Blue Mountain Cigars has been crafting quality, hand-rolled cigars since the 1990s. Using only premium grade, carefully aged tobaccos, the company prides itself in delivering complex blends and diverse flavors to cater to varying tastes. The brand firmly stands against mass production, ensuring each cigar embodies mastery and excellence.

Blue Mountain Cigars has been gaining recognition in the cigar industry for its originality and commitment towards quality. The brand has a growing follower base, recognized for delivering an exceptional smoking experience without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, the Blue Mountain Cigars Threesome offers an astounding experience that unfolds with each puff. You are cordially invited to explore this and their wide variety of other high-quality offerings at Hiland’s Cigars. We offer discount prices on cigars every day, with a quick shipping guarantee on orders and the assurance of 5-star customer service. There is nothing quite like the pleasure of a good smoke. Unwrap a threesome package today, and let your senses embark on an unforgettable journey.

Cigar Brand
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Cigar Country of Origin
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