CRA Samplers
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Category Overview
History of the Release: Cigar Rights of America (CRA) was founded to protect the rights of cigar enthusiasts and promote the rich traditions of premium cigars. Known for their advocacy work, CRA partners with leading cigar brands to create exclusive samplers that highlight the best in the industry.
Founding Year: 2008
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: CRA is highly regarded for its dedication to preserving the craft of premium cigars. Their annual Freedom Samplers are a testament to their strong industry relationships and commitment to quality. CRA’s efforts have gained widespread recognition from both cigar makers and aficionados.
Tobacco Facilities: Collaborations with top manufacturers across Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.
CRA Samplers Overview
The CRA Samplers represent a curated selection of premium cigars from the industry’s most respected brands. Each sampler highlights the artistry and craftsmanship of top-tier cigars, providing enthusiasts with a unique collection that spans flavor profiles, strengths, and styles. Released annually, these samplers support CRA’s mission to protect the cigar community while offering aficionados a taste of the best the industry has to offer.
Quotes by the Creator: “These samplers embody the passion and tradition of premium cigars, celebrating the artistry of the leaf.” – CRA Leadership
Important Sub-Brands: CRA Freedom Sampler
CRA Samplers Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The CRA Samplers are inspired by the desire to unite cigar enthusiasts with the industry’s finest offerings while promoting the rights of cigar lovers. These collections celebrate the diversity and excellence of premium cigars.
General Characteristics: Limited-edition releases, diverse flavor profiles, premium construction, advocacy support.
Notable CRA Samplers Ratings
- La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull, 96, Cigar Aficionado
- Fuente Fuente OpusX Scorpio Maduro, 95, Cigar Snob
- Perez-Carrillo Encore Black, 94, Halfwheel
- Many, MANY, more!
Summary: The CRA Samplers consistently include cigars that are highly rated by leading publications, offering an extraordinary smoking experience.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Varies by cigar, including Connecticut Shade, Ecuadorian Maduro, and Dominican wrappers.
Binder: Primarily Nicaraguan or Dominican tobaccos.
Filler: High-quality blends from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.
Aging Process and Notes: Many cigars in the sampler are aged for several years, resulting in refined flavors and smooth transitions.
Strength Estimate: Ranges from medium to full-bodied.
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Each cigar in the CRA Samplers is hand-rolled by master artisans, ensuring premium construction and consistency.
Quality Checks: Every cigar undergoes rigorous quality control by its respective manufacturer to maintain the highest standards.
Unique Packaging
The CRA Samplers are presented in elegant, limited-edition packaging that reflects the exclusivity and craftsmanship of the collection. Each sampler prominently features the CRA logo, underscoring its advocacy mission.
Who Will Appreciate CRA Samplers?
Target Audience: Aficionados seeking premium cigars and those who support the preservation of cigar traditions.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium collection with exceptional value for the quality and rarity of the cigars included.
Type of Smoker: Ideal for experienced smokers and collectors, though approachable for novices seeking a curated introduction to premium cigars.
- Single malt Scotch
- Dark roast coffee
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Artisan dark chocolate
The CRA Samplers are a celebration of premium cigars, offering an exceptional selection of top-rated smokes from iconic brands. Perfect for collectors, aficionados, and advocates of the cigar community, these samplers deliver unparalleled quality and variety. Hiland’s Cigars proudly offers these samplers with everyday discount prices, fast shipping, and unmatched customer service—order today to experience the best of the cigar world.
- Q: How many cigars are included in the CRA Sampler?A: Each sampler typically includes 10 premium cigars from top brands.
- Q: Are the cigars in the CRA Sampler limited edition?A: Yes, the sampler often includes limited-edition or exclusive cigars.
- Q: Where are these cigars made?A: The cigars are crafted in premium facilities across Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.
- Q: Are CRA Samplers available year-round?A: No, they are typically released annually in limited quantities.
- Q: Where can I purchase CRA Samplers?A: Hiland’s Cigars offers CRA Samplers at discount prices with quick shipping and 5-star customer service.