The Acid C-Notes Cigar takes on the task of satisfying an aficionado within a brief window of 20 minutes without compromising the rich, flavorful experience expected from Drew Estate creations. Originating from Nicaragua, this compact beauty, spanning 3.75 inches in length with a 22 ring gauge, boasts an exquisite blend of Drew Estate’s finest proprietary Purple-infused tobaccos. The C-Notes arrive in boxes, neatly packed, each presenting a smoothly wrapped, unique, small cigar experience. The quick yet flavorful burst makes it a brilliant choice for a swift cigar break or a complement to your favorite coffee.
Highlights of the Acid C-Notes Cigar
This cigar stands as an epitome of Drew Estate’s innovative expertise in creating flavorful cigars. The Purple-infused tobaccos deliver a medium to light-bodied experience, specially designed for a quick sitting with a premium cigar. Its petite stature doesn’t deter it from providing a strong draw, making it an excellent choice for those who favor short and satisfying sessions.
About Drew Estate Cigars:
Drew Estate is renowned in cigar-loving communities worldwide for consistently delivering high-quality, award-winning cigars. With their commitment to maintaining excellent craftsmanship and utilizing top-tier tobacco, they have secured many accolades. The most recent acknowledgment is from Cigar Coop, naming Drew Estate as the Large Company of the Year for 2020 and 2022 and attesting to the brand’s continued excellence in the cigar industry.
Notably, Acid Cigars have also made a significant imprint in the cigar world with tasters and critics alike. Their unique blending process and commitment to quality have seen them win several honors, including the prominent cigar of the year award.
The Acid C-Notes offers a unique, brief, and enriching Cigar experience, packed with the excellence of Drew Estate at unbeatable prices only at Hiland’s Cigars. We provide top-tier customer service, ensuring a smooth shopping experience, and offer swift shipping on all our orders. So, for an intriguing quick indulgence in an esteemed caliber cigar, consider adding the Acid C-Notes to your collection today, available at everyday discount prices only at Hiland’s Cigars.
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