The Liga Privada No 9 Coronets is a distinct offering from esteemed cigar makers Drew Estate. Originating from Nicaragua, these full-strength cigars with their 4×32 dimensions are the embodiment of refined craftsmanship. They are uniquely constructed with a Connecticut Broadleaf #1 Darks wrapper, a plantation-grown Brazilian Mata Fina binder, and select Honduran and Nicaraguan Cuban seed filler tobaccos. The enticing aroma carrying notes of sweetgrass and raisins draws you in while the balanced flavors of espresso and toffee enrich your smoking experience. These cigars are a great companion for a smooth whiskey or a robust coffee.
Highlights of the Liga Privada No 9 Coronets
This cigar stands out due to its individuality brought by its exceptional blend. The Connecticut Broadleaf pairs individualistically with the Brazilian Mata Fina binder giving the cigar a unique aroma. To enhance the smoking experience, select Honduran and Nicaraguan Cuban seed filler tobaccos have been used that lend an enduring depth to the flavors. The Liga Privada No 9 Coronets are aged for one complete year to bring out their rich taste and aroma.
About Drew Estate Cigars:
Drew Estate Cigars, the creators of Liga Privada No 9 Coronets, have often been revered for their commitment to quality and innovation. Their enduring passion has enabled them to craft some of the finest cigars that have managed to captivate smokers worldwide. The brand has a history of producing award-winning cigars, with multiple offerings having received 91+ ratings from Cigar Aficionado.
Experience the rich depth of flavors and unique aroma found in the Liga Privada No 9 Coronets at Hiland’s Cigars. With our everyday discount prices on cigars and quick shipping on orders, you’re just a few clicks away from this magnificent cigar. At Hiland’s Cigars, we take pride in our 5-star customer service, ensuring that enjoying your favorite cigars is a hassle-free experience.
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