Brand Overview
History of the Brand: 601 cigars were created by the Espinosa family, known for their deep roots in the cigar industry. The brand was launched to offer a unique blend that combines traditional Cuban cigar-making techniques with modern innovation. It quickly gained recognition for its bold flavors and consistent quality.
Founding Year: 2009
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: 601 has established itself as a premium brand known for its robust and full-bodied offerings. It’s often praised for its complexity and the depth of flavor profiles. The brand has received numerous accolades, positioning it as a favorite among aficionados who appreciate a strong, well-crafted cigar. Its reputation is built on the foundation of quality, consistency, and the Espinosa family’s commitment to excellence.
Release Date: October 2009
The 601 line was introduced as a tribute to the Espinosa family’s heritage in cigar making. Erik Espinosa, the founder, aimed to create a cigar that would stand out in the crowded market. “We wanted to make a cigar that was bold, yet balanced, something that would appeal to the seasoned smoker,” Erik Espinosa once said. The line was well-received, with its initial release selling out quickly, indicating strong market acceptance.
601 Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The concept behind 601 was to craft a cigar that embodies the essence of traditional Cuban cigar-making while incorporating modern techniques. The inspiration comes from the rich history of Cuban tobacco and the Espinosa family’s personal journey in the cigar world.
General Characteristics: Full-bodied, rich, complex, well-balanced, smooth
Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate, espresso, leather, spice, hints of sweetness
Notable 601 Ratings
- 601 Blue Label Maduro, 92, Cigar Aficionado
- 601 Red Label Habano, 91, Cigar Journal
Summary: The 601 brand consistently scores high in reviews, reflecting its quality and the rich, complex smoking experience it offers. These ratings affirm the brand’s reputation for delivering a premium cigar experience.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano or Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Aging Process and Notes: The tobacco for 601 Cigars undergoes a meticulous aging process, with leaves being aged for at least 3 years to ensure a smooth, rich flavor profile.
Strength Estimate: Medium to Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes multiple quality checks, including visual inspection, draw test, and burn test, to ensure consistency and quality.
Unique Packing
The 601 cigars are often presented in boxes with a distinctive, elegant design, reflecting the brand’s premium status.
Who Will Appreciate 601?
Target Audience: Enthusiasts looking for a robust, flavorful cigar experience.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium cigar, 601 offers value for its quality, with prices reflecting the craftsmanship and aging process involved.
Type of Smoker: Experienced and Expert smokers
- Single malt Scotch
- Strong coffee or espresso
- Dark chocolate
The 601 brand stands out for its commitment to quality, tradition, and innovation. With its bold flavors and meticulous craftsmanship, it appeals to those who seek a complex and rewarding cigar experience. Its reputation in the industry is well-earned, making it a must-try for any serious cigar enthusiast.
Q: Where can I buy 601 cigars?
A: You can purchase 601 cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: Are 601 cigars suitable for beginners?
A: While 601 cigars are full-bodied, they can be enjoyed by Beginners who are looking to explore stronger flavors, though they might be more appreciated by those with some cigar smoking experience.
Q: How should I store my 601 cigars?
A: Store your 601 cigars in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to maintain their quality and flavor.
Q: What makes 601 cigars unique?
A: 601 cigars are unique due to their blend of traditional Cuban techniques with modern innovation, resulting in a bold yet balanced smoke.
Q: Can I find discounts on 601 cigars?
A: Yes, Hiland’s Cigars often has promotions and discounts on 601 cigars, making it a great place to buy them at a reduced price.