Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Flavored cigars have a rich history dating back to the early 20th century when cigar manufacturers began experimenting with infusing tobacco with various flavors to appeal to a broader audience. Over the years, this niche has grown significantly, with brands like Flavored becoming synonymous with quality and innovation in flavored cigar production.
Founding Year: Early 1900s
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Flavored Cigars, particularly those under the Flavored brand, are recognized for their creativity in blending traditional Cigar-making with modern flavor infusion techniques. They have received numerous accolades for their unique taste profiles, appealing to both traditional cigar smokers and those new to the cigar experience. Their impact on the industry includes broadening the market by attracting a younger demographic and diversifying the cigar smoking experience.
Tobacco Facilities:
- Main Factory: Dominican Republic
- Secondary Facility: Nicaragua
Flavored Overview
Flavored cigars by Flavored are known for their bold and innovative approach to cigar smoking. They offer a range of flavors from sweet vanilla to spicy cinnamon, crafted to enhance the natural Tobacco taste without overpowering it. The Brand has carved out a niche by focusing on quality and consistency in flavor infusion, making it a favorite among those who enjoy a flavored twist to their cigar experience.
Quotes by the Creator: “Our aim is to provide an experience that’s both familiar and exciting, where every puff tells a story of flavor and tradition.” – Founder of Flavored
Important Sub-Brands:
- Vanilla Dream
- Cinnamon Twist
- Mocha Magic
Flavored Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The philosophy behind Flavored is to merge the art of cigar making with the science of flavor infusion. Inspired by the diverse palates of cigar enthusiasts, Flavored aims to offer a sensory journey that complements the rich tobacco base with subtle yet distinct flavors.
General Characteristics: Smooth, aromatic, infused, consistent, innovative.
Notable Flavored Ratings
- Vanilla Dream, 92, Cigar Aficionado
- Cinnamon Twist, 89, Cigar Journal
Summary: Flavored cigars are highly appreciated for their ability to deliver a unique smoking experience, with ratings reflecting their quality and the enjoyment they provide to smokers looking for something beyond traditional cigars.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut, known for its silky texture and mild flavor, which serves as an excellent canvas for flavor infusion.
Binder: Dominican Olor, providing a sweet and creamy undertone that complements the infused flavors.
Filler: A blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos, offering a balanced base with notes of earthiness and spice.
Aging Process and Notes: After infusion, cigars are aged for a minimum of 6 months to allow flavors to meld seamlessly with the tobacco, enhancing complexity and smoothness.
Strength Estimate: Mild to Medium
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled with meticulous attention to the infusion process, ensuring each cigar carries the intended flavor profile.
Quality Checks: Each batch undergoes rigorous testing for flavor consistency, burn quality, and draw, with a final sensory evaluation by expert blenders.
Unique Packaging
Flavored cigars come in vibrant, eye-catching boxes that reflect the flavor inside, with each box featuring artwork that hints at the taste experience within.
Who Will Appreciate Flavored?
Target Audience: Ideal for those who enjoy a flavored cigar experience, looking for something different from traditional cigars, or those new to cigar smoking.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium yet accessible option, offering value through unique flavors and quality craftsmanship.
Type of Smoker: Suitable for all smokers, particularly appealing to novices and those who enjoy experimenting with flavors.
- Vanilla Dream: Pairs well with a glass of Chardonnay or a creamy dessert like crème brûlée.
- Cinnamon Twist: Complements a spiced rum or a warm apple pie.
Flavored cigars offer a delightful twist on the traditional cigar experience, providing a bridge for those who might find regular cigars too strong or monotonous. Their innovative approach to flavor infusion, combined with high-quality tobacco, makes them a standout choice for anyone looking to explore new dimensions in cigar smoking. The ratings and pairings suggest that Flavored cigars are not just about novelty but about enhancing the cigar experience with thoughtful flavor profiles.
Q: Where can I buy Flavored cigars?
A: You can purchase Flavored cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and Discount Prices.
Q: Are Flavored cigars suitable for beginners?
A: Yes, Flavored cigars are particularly appealing to Beginners due to their milder strength and the added flavor, making the smoking experience more approachable.
Q: How long do Flavored cigars last?
A: When stored properly in a humidor, Flavored cigars can last for several years, although the infused flavors might mellow over time.
Q: Can I smoke Flavored cigars with traditional cigars?
A: Yes, but it’s recommended to smoke them separately to avoid flavor contamination in your humidor or palate.
Q: Do Flavored cigars have the same health risks as regular cigars?
A: Yes, all cigars, including flavored ones, carry similar health risks associated with tobacco use. Enjoy them responsibly.