The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 cigar is a remarkable blend originating from Nicaragua. Boasting an appealing Torpedo shape, this 6.13″ long cigar comes with a ring gauge of 52, compactly packaged in a stylish box. The delectable mix of Nicaraguan filler and binder with the Nicaraguan wrapper imparts a flavorful experience. The No. 2 is an excellent choice for pairing with a rich espresso or a heavy-bodied whiskey. Extraordinary in its make, it commemorates Montecristo’s 1935 anniversary and is therefore limited in production.
Highlights of the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2
This cigar exhibits a Nicaraguan wrapper, binder, and filler, all contributing to its delectable, robust flavor profile. The Torpedo shape adds a touch of elegance and ensures an even, smooth burn to the end.
About Montecristo Cigars:
Famous for their consistent quality and classic construction, Montecristo Cigars have cemented their place in the cigar world. The brand’s rich history dates back to Cuba in 1935, and over the decades, Montecristo has remained committed to crafting cigars of unparalleled excellence. This commitment is reflected in its several accolades, including the recent 95-point rating from Cigar Aficionado for the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2.
This cigar and brand have been mentioned in numerous publications and appreciated by aficionados worldwide for its high-quality construction and unforgettable taste. As mentioned, the 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 was recognized by Cigar Aficionado, one of the most respected publications in the industry, with a 95-point rating.
In summary, the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2 cigar offers a top-tier smoke distinguished by its full flavor and high-quality craftsmanship. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or amateur, you’re bound to appreciate the exceptional blend and the extraordinary construction. At Hiland’s Cigars, we provide this premium cigar at discount prices every day. With our quick shipping on orders and 5-star customer service, you can be assured of a satisfying and swift experience to enjoy this exquisite cigar.
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