The Nub Cameroon 464 Torpedo is a uniquely crafted cigar by Oliva, a brand synonymous with high-quality and richly flavored cigars. This cigar hails right from Nicaragua. At 4 inches and a 64 ring gauge, it boasts a Cameroon wrapper encasing a long-leaf selection of binder and filler tobaccos. Given its medium strength, this smoke is perfect for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts. Its stout format allows for an instant satisfaction of flavor and complexity reminiscent of a much larger cigar. It could be paired with a smooth bourbon or a strong cup of coffee for an enhanced smoking experience.
Highlights of the Nub Cameroon 464 Torpedo
This cigar showcases the mastery of its blend, shaped in a torpedo vitola. The wrapper, sourced from Cameroon, offers a light sweetness which pairs exceptionally well with the choice Nicaraguan binder and filler. This cigar is fashioned to maintain a continuous flavor from start to finish, without sacrificing complexity.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars is a cherished household name for cigar aficionados around the globe. Based in Nicaragua, this family-driven company has been delivering exquisitely crafted cigars for generations. They are known for using only the finest tobaccos and maintaining stringent quality control, ensuring each cigar is a showcases their workmanship. Oliva has received countless awards, notably securing top spots in Cigar Aficionado’s annual Top 25 cigars list multiple times.
The Nub Cameroon 464 Torpedo by Oliva has garnered respect and high regard in the cigar world, not just for its construction but the quality it brings. It has been celebrated in famous publications, even securing an 86-point rating from the venerable Cigar Aficionado.
The Nub Cameroon 464 Torpedo is not your average cigar, it is a testament to how size can complement the smoking experience. We invite you to try it yourself — we assure it will not disappoint. At Hiland’s Cigars, we offer discount prices on cigars like these every single day. With our rapid shipping and 5-star customer service, you’ll have these cigars in no time. Choose Hiland’s for your next cigar purchase.
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