The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra stands out prominently among premium cigars for its rich, smooth and medium to full-bodied profile. The origin of this piece of craftsmanship traces back to Nicaragua, a land known for producing world-class cigars. With its length extending to 7 inches and a ring gauge of 52, it wonderfully highlights an experience of full-flavored richness. It’s offered in a wooden box which enhances its vintage appeal. For the wrapper, binder, and filler, the brand has strictly adhered to the highest tier of quality standards, with careful execution leading to a noteworthy Churchill shape.
Highlights of Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra
Dressed elegantly in a high-quality wrapper from Nicaragua, this cigar showcases exceptional grandeur in construction. The intriguing composition of the filler and binder tobacco offers a mesmerizing blend of taste experiences. A unique, expertly-curated blend of Nicaraguan tobacco has been used to enhance the character and consistency of the cigar. Its proprietary fermentation process greatly enhances its charm and appeal.
About Oliva Cigars:
Relished by aficionados worldwide, Oliva Cigars boast a rich history in the realm of premium cigars. Known for its persistence in quality, the brand has successfully secured its position among the top echelons of the cigar industry. It has obtained noteworthy recognition for its quality craftsmanship, as evidenced by the impressive 90-point rating awarded by Cigar Aficionado to the Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra, solidifying the brand’s exemplary reputation.
In the world of cigars and tobacco, the Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra has secured a remarkable position. With its reference in significant publications and recognition through awards, it has carved its memorable identity.
With its robust construction and exquisite flavor profile, the Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is an impeccable choice for those seeking an extraordinary smoking experience. At Hiland’s Cigars, we take pride in offering these splendid cigars at unbeatable prices every day. Our commitment to quick shipping and 5-star customer service makes us the preferred choice of connoisseurs. Elevate your smoking experience with Hiland’s Cigars, where quality meets tradition with grace.
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