The Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro is a flavorful blend brought to you straight from Nicaragua. Its 6″ size and gordo shape make for a long and satisfying smoke, ideal for those who appreciate savoring their cigars. This stick’s medium-full strength coupled with a unique blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binders, encapsulated within a wrapper from Ecuador, ensures a remarkable experience to the discerning aficionado. We suggest pairing this cigar with a rich cup of coffee or a robust red wine to enhance its natural flavor profile.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro At the heart of this cigar is a blend of Nicaraguan fillers, augmented by a Nicaraguan binder. This combination guarantees a stable and even burn, and intensifies deep flavors. Its Ecuadorian wrapper enhances a unique tapestry of flavor, promising a complex and pleasing smoke.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars carry a rich history of quality and craft. With a lineage steeped in traditional cigar making methods and a commitment to excellence, the brand has made its mark on the industry. Oliva consistently delivers high-grade, premium cigars that have earned them numerous awards and a noteworthy reputation among critics and connoisseurs alike.
Oliva’s flagship cigar, the Serie V Melanio, made a splash when it was released and continues to enjoy high-rated reviews. Most notably, the Figurado in this blend was the winner of Cigar Aficionado’s 2014 Cigar of the Year, boasting a rarely heard 96 point rating.
Hiland’s Cigars is eager to present to you the Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro. We offer these exquisite cigars at great prices every day, promising you top-tier choices for your cigar collection. Enjoy our quick shipping services and the assurance of our 5-star customer service when you shop with us. Welcome to a superior shopping experience at Hiland’s Cigars!
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