The Oliva Serie V No. 4 is a highly sought after Nicaraguan cigar that is sure to entice the palate of any medium to full-bodied cigar enthusiast. This meticulously crafted cigar is renowned for its perfect blend of complexity and smoothness. Wrapped in a rich, Sun Grown wrapper and with a blend of Nicaraguan long filler, the Serie V No. 4 stands out with its flavorful and velvety profile. This cigar offers an indulgence in rich coffee and dark chocolate notes that satisfy till the very last puff. For a memorable smoking session, pair this beauty with a dark and earthy Cabernet.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie V No.4: This premium cigar boasts a perfectly aged Sun Grown wrapper that encases a unique blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos. The care and attention to detail in its construction is apparent in the even burn and solid ash. The Serie V line is specially crafted using a proprietary fermentation process, which lends to the cigar’s full-bodied, yet smooth flavor profile.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars is a respected name in the world of tobacco, steeped in history and excellence. The brand takes great pride in using only the finest tobaccos, providing consistently high quality products for decades. The Oliva Serie V line, in particular, has been the recipient of countless accolades, including a prestigious 90 point rating from Cigar Aficionado.
In pop culture, the Oliva Serie V has been associated with classic elegance and sophistication, often making appearances in movies and publications touting the indulgence of a fine cigar. Its impeccable construction and unrivaled flavor profile make it a cornerstone in any serious smoker’s collection.
The Oliva Serie V No. 4 is a truly extraordinary cigar, offering a uniquely delightful smoking experience. Don’t miss your chance to indulge in these highly rated, flawlessly handmade cigars. At Hiland’s Cigars, you can enjoy this stick and many more at discount prices every day. Our quick shipping on orders and 5-star customer service make us a top choice for all your cigar needs. Experience the difference of smoking a truly premium cigar and order your Oliva Serie V No. 4 today from Hiland’s Cigars.
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