The Perdomo Lot 23 Toro Sun Grown cigar is an exquisite blend originating from Perdomo’s beloved farm in Nicaragua. Measuring 6 inches long with a ring gauge of 50, each cigar is handcrafted into an ideal Toro shape, providing a perfect medium-strength smoke experience. The Sun Grown wrapper adds a unique flare to the flavor profile of these cigars, making it a desirable choice for any cigar enthusiast. Distinct flavors of honey and oak come forward, balanced delicately against notes of almond and cedar. When paired with a smooth bourbon or a dark, rich coffee, this cigar unravels many layers of its complex character. And remember, this is not a limited edition production, so it’s always the right time to stock up.
Highlights of the Perdomo Lot 23 Toro Sun Grown
The array of premium tobacco used for the filler, binder, and wrapper is grown exclusively on the Perdomo family’s esteemed farm, offering a one of a kind experience. The Sun Grown wrapper adds a distinctive touch to the blend, enhancing its character with a delightful, rich complexity. This balanced smoke is then finely hand-rolled into a Toro shape, adhering to traditional crafting techniques.
About Perdomo Cigars:
Perdomo Cigars is a renowned brand, known for their consistency in quality and craftsmanship. The brand has been driven by a relentless quest for perfection in every cigar they produce. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, with numerous accolades including multiple 85+ point ratings from Cigar Aficionado.
Perdomo Cigars and specifically the Lot 23 range have made an impression in the cigar community, earning kudos from industry critics and enthusiasts alike. The fusion of quality and affordability that Perdomo Cigars offer has not only been recognized but praised in many publications, further attesting to the brand’s relentless pursuit of perfection.
In all, the Perdomo Lot 23 Toro Sun Grown cigar offers an opportunity to enjoy a top-tier cigar at an unbeatable price. As always, Hiland’s Cigars brings you the best discount prices on cigars every day, ensuring you not only enjoy premium quality but exceptional value. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add the Perdomo Lot 23 Toro Sun Grown to your collection, with the added benefit of free shipping on your order. Secure your box of 20 today and experience the phenomenal quick shipping and 5-star service that Hiland’s Cigars proudly promises.
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