The Plasencia Cosecha 149 Cortez Figurado (5.75X56) is a finely crafted cigar that showcases the quality and dedication of Plasencia Cigars. Originating from Nicaragua, this medium-full strength Figurado is designed to offer an unparalleled smoking experience. The cigar features a luxurious Honduran wrapper, binder, and filler, all contributing to its distinct flavor profile. For those who appreciate a well-balanced smoke, this cigar pairs beautifully with a rich espresso or a glass of aged rum.
Highlights of the Plasencia Cosecha 149 Cortez Figurado
Features a premium Honduran wrapper, binder, and filler. This cigar utilizes meticulously aged tobacco, providing a consistent and smooth smoking experience from start to finish.
About Plasencia Cigars:
Plasencia Cigars has a long, storied history in the cigar industry, going back to 1865. The brand is celebrated for its commitment to quality and innovation in tobacco cultivation and cigar production. Plasencia remains a benchmark for excellence and is highly respected within the cigar community.
The Plasencia Cosecha 149 line has received numerous accolades, including a 90-point rating from Cigar Aficionado for the La Vega Robusto. While this specific Figurado hasn’t yet been rated, it is set to follow in the high standards set by its counterparts.
Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or exploring new flavors, the Plasencia Cosecha 149 Cortez Figurado offers a reliable and enriching smoke. Take advantage of Hiland’s Cigars’ discount prices and exceptional customer service today. Enjoy quick shipping on all orders, including this box of 10 fine cigars, and savor the extraordinary craftsmanship of Plasencia Cigars.