The San Lotano Requiem Maduro Torpedo by A.J. Fernandez is a top-rated cigar that boasts a flawless shape and alluring darkness, thanks to its lavish jet-black San Andres Mexican wrapper. The enchanting aroma promises an unforgettable smoking experience, appealing to both novice and avid cigar aficionados. Its generous size of 6.5×54 ensures a relaxed, lengthy session for true lovers of fine cigars. This Nicaraguan masterpiece uniquely blends aged filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Honduras, all held firmly by a sturdy Nicaraguan binder. Ideal for pairing with dark roasts, rich port wines, or even after-dinner whiskey, this cigar offers supreme satisfaction.
Highlights of the San Lotano Requiem Maduro Torpedo
This standout line of cigars from A.J. Fernandez has earned stellar ratings thanks to its balanced, medium-full body and enticing array of flavors. The main notes of earth and pepper immediately hit the palate, soon followed by subtle but smooth undertones of coffee, wood, and chocolate, offering a multi-faceted taste journey in each puff. Smoke this cigar slowly to appreciate its deep and varied flavors and smooth burning pattern.
about A.J. Fernandez Cigars
A.J. Fernandez has long been a celebrated brand in the world of cigars, each creation a testament to the artistry and tradition embodied in cigar making. Originating from the rich, tobacco-friendly soils of Nicaragua, the brand prides itself on balancing modern techniques with time-honored traditions, resulting in superior quality cigars at an affordable price.
The San Lotano Requiem Maduro Torpedo reflects A.J. Fernandez’s consistent commitment to quality, which has seen it earn remarkable accolades from cigar aficionados and industry experts alike. Notably, this particular cigar scored a high 92 rating from Cigar Aficionado and 91 from Cigar Snob Magazine, further cementing its spot as a must-try for any cigar enthusiast.
Hiland’s Cigars is delighted to offer this standout cigar at discounted prices, making it even more enjoyable to experience this well-crafted product from A.J. Fernandez’s portfolio. Known for quick shipping and top-notch 5-star customer service, we invite you to indulge in the San Lotano Requiem Maduro Torpedo and savor a smoking experience unlike any other. At Hiland’s Cigars, legendary quality meets incredible value every day.
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