The AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro is a sophisticated Nicaraguan cigar, conceived by the respected brand’s master blenders. The cigar, impressively large with a 6-inch length and 54-ring gauge, comes from the maiden harvest of the Dorado farm in Estelí, each leaf meticulously selected to create a harmonious blend worthy of its Toro shape. With a medium to full strength range, this cigar is a delightful pairing for a glass of rich single malt or robust aged rum.
Highlights of the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro
The first-rate exterior hides a high-quality wrapper, binder, and filler originating from the singular plot of the Dorado farm. Unique to this cigar is the proprietary farming process, allowing for a distinct combination of earthy, nutty, and sweet blends. This meticulous process produces a cigar that rewards connoisseurs with a depth of flavors that include caramel, orange peel, nuts, and espresso.
About AJ Fernandez Cigars:
AJ Fernandez is a brand associated with traditional cigar manufacturing techniques sprinkled with contemporary hues. It has successfully maintained its high standard of quality, boasting a variety of premium blends. Residing in the heartland of Nicaraguan tobacco farmers, the company consistently churns out top-rated cigars, many of which have won significant laurels such as the 93 rating by Cigar Aficionado.
Known for its commitment to premium quality, AJ Fernandez has long been the enthusiastic choice for cigar aficionados seeking a deeply satisfying smoking experience. Their New World Dorado Toro, in particular, has made notable appearances in numerous cigar publications, commending its master blending and quality.
Embrace the AJ Fernandez New World Dorado Toro, an excellent partner for your leisurely evenings. Here at Hiland’s Cigars, we offer these attractive cigars at discount prices every day, ensuring the top-tier smoking experience is not a distant luxury. We ensure quick shipping on all orders, coupled with excellent 5-star customer service. Experience the unique, cultured taste of AJ Fernandez through the New World Dorado Toro today.
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