Cigar Length: 7 1/2
Cigar Ring: 38
Cigar Strength: Medium – Full
Cigar Origin: Dominican Republic
Box Count: 10
With this lighter wrapper, the Lancero has a somewhat more potent taste than the darker variants of the Lost City cigars. On first light, it has a peppery palate reminiscent of classic Cuban cigars, and of the standard Fuente Fuente OpusX blends. The flavor is smooth all the way along the cigar’s length, but the peppery taste persists throughout, accompanied by the aroma of freshly cut hardwood. A slightly savory flavor also emerges, somewhat like a perfectly seared chicken breast in a heavy reduction sauce.
Length: 7.5
Ring Gauge: 38
Out of stock
Cigar Length: 7 1/2
Cigar Ring: 38
Cigar Strength: Medium – Full
Cigar Origin: Dominican Republic
Box Count: 10
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