The Ashton VSG Robusto is a premium handmade cigar that is widely regarded as one of the finest cigars on the market today. Made by the famous Fuente family in the Dominican Republic, this cigar is crafted using a unique blend of aged, hand-selected tobaccos that are grown exclusively for the VSG line.
The Ashton VSG Robusto measures 5.5 inches in length and has a ring gauge of 50, making it the perfect size for a luxurious smoking experience that lasts about an hour. The cigar’s wrapper is a gorgeous, reddish-brown Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf that is silky-smooth to the touch and bursting with natural oils.
As soon as you light up the Ashton VSG Robusto, you’ll be greeted by a rich, complex flavor profile that is both bold and smooth. The initial draw is creamy and nutty, with hints of cedar and spice that gradually build in intensity as the cigar progresses. The smoke is thick and velvety, with a satisfyingly long finish that leaves a pleasant tingle on the tongue.
Throughout the smoke, you’ll notice a perfect balance of flavors and aromas that make this cigar truly exceptional. The tobaccos used in the Ashton VSG blend have been aged for up to five years, which helps to develop a deep, complex flavor that is unmatched by other cigars on the market.
The construction of the Ashton VSG Robusto is flawless, with a firm draw and a smooth burn that requires no touch-ups or relights. The cigar is held together by a sturdy binder and filler that provide a satisfying amount of resistance without feeling too firm.
Overall, the Ashton VSG Robusto is a must-try cigar for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar smoker or a newcomer to the hobby, this cigar is sure to impress with its exceptional flavor, aroma, and construction. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ultimate smoking experience with the Ashton VSG Robusto.