The Asylum 13 80 X 6 is an immense medium to full-bodied cigar that is crafted with scrumptious Nicaraguan fillers and binders, wrapped in a dark and oily Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. With the dimensions of this 6×80 Gordo, it’s a flavor roller coaster from the get-go. Bursting with rich and robust tastes of leather, cocoa, spice, and creamy undertones, this cigar offers a high-quality and intense smoking experience. A fitting indulgence for the more seasoned cigar aficionados.
Highlights of the Asylum 13 80 X 6:
This cigar employs meticulously selected Nicaraguan tobaccos for both filler and binder, encased in a beautifully aged Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. It has a commendable construction showcasing the skills of the old-world artisans. The cigar offers a considerable burn time allowing you to delve into the complexity of flavors it represents.
About Asylum Cigars:
Asylum Cigars is a collaboration between the dynamic trio Christian Eiroa, Tom Lazuka, and Kevin Baxter. Known for producing daring and innovative cigars, they have received accolades for their distinct blends. The Asylum 13 line is a celebration of their dedication to creating daringly flavorful smokes with an uncompromising focus on quality.
The Asylum 13 80 X 6 is indeed a treat for those who seek solid, engaging, and intense smoking sessions. Hiland’s Cigars is your one-stop-shop for these delectable cigars, offering everyday discount prices for every cigar enthusiast out there. Enjoy fast and secure shipping so you can delve into your cigar wonderland in no time. Trust in our dedicated and superior customer service as you taste the marvel of Asylum 13 80 X 6.
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