Asylum Insidious
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Asylum Insidious is a line of premium handmade cigars produced by CLE Cigar Company, owned by the famous cigar master Christian Eiroa. These cigars are known for their smooth and flavorful smoke, and are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts.
The Asylum Insidious line features two blends: the Connecticut Shade and the Habano. The Connecticut Shade blend features a light, golden-brown Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, while the Habano blend has a dark and oily Nicaraguan Habano wrapper.
Both blends use a combination of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers, which gives the cigars a medium-bodied smoke with notes of cream, wood, and spice. The cigars are also infused with natural sweetness, thanks to the use of a sweetened cap.
The construction of the Asylum Insidious cigars is excellent, with a consistent burn and a smooth draw. The smoke is not overpowering, making it a great choice for both novice and experienced cigar smokers.
The band on the Asylum Insidious cigars features an intricate design, with a white and gold color scheme that adds to the premium look and feel of the cigar. The bands also have the signature Asylum logo, which has become a symbol of quality and excellence in the cigar industry.