The Avo Pyramid is a significant blend by the highly respected Avo brand. This 7×54 sized cigar, packaged in a box of 25, is known for its creamy, mellow medium-strength, well-balanced profile. Originating from Dominican Republic, it flaunts notes of cedar, hay, and nuts, offering a sophisticated blend for seasoned smokers. Excellently crafted in a torpedo shape, this cigar will surely elevate your leisurely moments.
Highlights of the Avo Pyramid This cigar features a blend of select tobaccos, contributing to its creamy, medium-bodied strength and notes of cedar, hay, and nuts. Its unique pyramid shape modernizes traditional cigar design, drawing the attention of any cigar connoisseur.
About Avo Cigars:
Avo Cigars hail from Dominican Republic and have carved a name for themselves in the cigar industry with their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Their cigars have been endowed with multiple 85+ point ratings by Cigar Aficionado, solidifying their spot amongst the best cigars globally.
The brand and its cigars have been frequently cited and praised for their distinctive taste and premium quality in various publications and cigar enthusiasts’ discussions. Specifically, Avo Pyramid is a favorite among fans and is positively reviewed for its smooth yet rich flavor profile.
Summarizing, the Avo Pyramid is not only a testament to superior craftsmanship but also a flavorful exploration for every cigar lover. Savor the blend of fine tobaccos, unmatched quality, and exquisite taste as a perfect accompaniment for your relaxed evenings. At Hiland’s Cigars, we are excited to offer this phenomenal cigar at discounted prices every day. With fast shipping on orders and 5-star customer service, your indulgence in fine cigars is merely a click away. So, make a move and allow Hiland’s Cigars to introduce you to a world of premium affluence with the Avo Pyramid.
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