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Davidoff Small Cigars

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Brand Overview

History of the Brand: Davidoff Small Cigars are part of the prestigious Davidoff brand, which was founded by Zino Davidoff in 1926. Known for luxury and quality, Davidoff has been synonymous with premium cigars since its inception. The small cigar line was introduced to cater to those seeking a shorter smoking experience without compromising on the brand’s renowned quality.

Founding Year: 1926

Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Davidoff is widely respected for its commitment to excellence, with a reputation for producing some of the finest Cigars in the world. Their meticulous attention to detail in Tobacco selection, blending, and craftsmanship has earned them numerous accolades. The Brand is often associated with luxury, sophistication, and a rich heritage in the Cigar world, appealing to both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.


Release Date: Estimated Early 2000s

The Davidoff Small Cigars were introduced to offer a quick yet luxurious smoking experience. Zino Davidoff once said, “A cigar is a sort of thing that you can’t put down once you’ve started it.” This line embodies the philosophy behind the creation of these smaller formats, ensuring that even a brief smoke retains the essence of Davidoff’s quality. They are designed for those moments when time is limited but the desire for a premium cigar remains.

Davidoff Small Cigars Attributes

Concept & Inspiration: The concept behind Davidoff Small Cigars was to provide a premium cigar experience in a shorter format, ideal for quick sessions or for those new to cigars. Inspired by the need for convenience without sacrificing quality, these cigars maintain the rich flavor profile and craftsmanship of Davidoff’s larger offerings.

General Characteristics: Smooth draw, consistent burn, rich aroma, elegant construction, quick smoking time

Tasting Notes: Cedar, nuts, cream, spice, hints of chocolate

Tobacco Details

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut

Binder: Dominican

Filler: Dominican, Mexican, and Nicaraguan

Aging Process and Notes: The tobaccos are aged for a minimum of 3 years to ensure a mellow and complex flavor profile.

Strength Estimate: Mild to Medium

Production and Quality

Manufacturing: Hand-rolled

Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control checks, including visual inspection, draw test, and a final sensory evaluation to ensure consistency and quality.

Unique Packing

Davidoff Small Cigars come in elegant, compact tins or boxes, designed for portability and preservation of freshness.

Who Will Appreciate Davidoff Small Cigars?

Target Audience: Business professionals, travelers, and cigar enthusiasts looking for a quick, high-quality smoke.

Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a luxury product, these cigars are priced higher than average, reflecting their premium status.

Type of Smoker: All, with a particular appeal to new and experienced smokers.


  • Espresso or strong coffee
  • Single malt Scotch
  • Dark chocolate


Davidoff Small Cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience in a compact format, embodying the brand’s commitment to quality and tradition. They are perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life but are short on time. Their mild to medium strength and rich flavor profile make them accessible yet sophisticated, appealing to a broad audience of cigar lovers.


  • Q: Where can I buy Davidoff Small Cigars?

    A: You can purchase Davidoff Small Cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.

  • Q: Are Davidoff Small Cigars suitable for beginners?

    A: Yes, their mild to medium strength makes them an excellent choice for those new to cigars, offering a gentle introduction to the Davidoff experience.

  • Q: How long does it take to smoke a Davidoff Small Cigar?

    A: Typically, these cigars can be enjoyed in about 20-30 minutes, making them ideal for a quick break.

  • Q: Do Davidoff Small Cigars require special storage?

    A: While they come in tins that help preserve freshness, for long-term storage, a humidor is recommended to maintain optimal humidity levels.

  • Q: Can I find discounts on Davidoff Small Cigars?

    A: Yes, Hiland’s Cigars often offers promotions and discounts on premium cigar brands, including Davidoff.

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