Experience the essence of discovery and craftsmanship with the Davidoff Yamasa Piramides cigar. Inspired by the fertile lands of Yamasa in the Dominican Republic, where the tobacco leaves are grown, this extraordinary cigar offers a journey of flavors that will captivate your senses.
Shape: The Davidoff Yamasa Piramides cigar boasts an alluring Piramides shape, a tribute to the art of pyramidal cigars that widens towards the head. Measuring 6 1/8 inches in length with a ring gauge of 52, this size delivers an unrivaled smoking experience with every draw.
Tobacco Blend: At the heart of this exceptional cigar lies the remarkable Yamasa tobacco. The distinct Yamasa wrapper, combined with a carefully curated blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, creates a harmonious symphony of flavors that exemplifies the rich essence of the region.
Flavor Profile: Prepare to embark on an unforgettable flavor odyssey. From the initial puff, the Davidoff Yamasa Piramides entices your taste buds with intriguing notes of spice and pepper, artfully balanced by the earthy sweetness characteristic of the Yamasa tobacco. As the journey continues, you’ll be delighted by hints of roasted coffee and dark chocolate, creating a multi-dimensional and satisfying smoking experience.
Construction: Crafted by expert hands, each Davidoff Yamasa Piramides cigar is a testament to Davidoff’s unwavering commitment to craftsmanship. The seamless construction ensures an effortless draw and an even burn, allowing you to fully appreciate the complexity and depth of the blend.
Accolades: The Davidoff Yamasa Piramides has garnered high praise from cigar aficionados and critics alike, receiving top ratings from prestigious cigar publications. Its exceptional blend, flawless construction, and rich, captivating flavors have been celebrated by experts, solidifying its place among the finest cigars available.
Immerse yourself in the allure of the Davidoff Yamasa Piramides cigar. Whether it’s a moment of contemplation or a celebration of life’s milestones, this cigar promises an extraordinary smoking experience that transports you to the fertile fields of Yamasa. Discover the artistry of Davidoff’s tribute today at Hiland’s Cigars.