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Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition

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Brand Overview

History of the Brand: Davidoff, established by Zino Davidoff, has been synonymous with luxury cigars since its inception. The brand’s journey began in 1911 when Zino’s father opened a Tobacco shop in Geneva, Switzerland. Over the decades, Davidoff has become known for its meticulous craftsmanship and exclusive blends, setting a high standard in the cigar world.

Founding Year: 1911

Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Davidoff is revered for its commitment to quality, often considered the pinnacle of luxury in the Cigar market. Their Cigars are known for their complexity, balance, and the use of premium tobaccos. The Brand has a global presence, with aficionados and collectors eagerly anticipating each new release. Their reputation is built on a legacy of innovation, like the introduction of the Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition series.


Release Date: January 2012

The Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition was introduced to celebrate the Chinese New Year, with each cigar representing one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. “Each cigar in this series is a tribute to the art of cigar making, reflecting the unique characteristics of each zodiac sign,” said Henke Kelner, Davidoff’s master blender. This line was crafted to offer a sensory journey through the zodiac, with each blend tailored to evoke the spirit of its corresponding animal.

Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition Attributes

Concept & Inspiration: Inspired by the Chinese zodiac, each cigar in this series embodies the traits of its zodiac animal, from the strength of the Dragon to the wisdom of the Monkey. The concept was to create a cigar that not only tastes exquisite but also tells a story, connecting the smoker with cultural heritage.

General Characteristics: Complex, aromatic, well-balanced, smooth, rich

Tasting Notes: Cedar, leather, spice, chocolate, hints of fruit

Tobacco Details

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano

Binder: Dominican Olor

Filler: A blend of Dominican tobaccos

Aging Process and Notes: Each cigar is aged for a minimum of 3 years to develop its unique flavor profile, ensuring a smooth and complex smoke.

Strength Estimate: Medium to Full

Production and Quality

Manufacturing: Hand-rolled

Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control, including visual inspection, draw testing, and a final sensory evaluation by expert rollers.

Unique Packing

Each Zodiac cigar comes in a specially designed box that features artwork representing the zodiac animal, making it a collector’s item.

Who Will Appreciate Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition?

Target Audience: Collectors, enthusiasts of Chinese culture, and those who appreciate luxury and exclusivity in their smoking experience.

Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a high-end, limited edition product, reflecting its exclusivity and the craftsmanship involved.

Type of Smoker: Experienced or Expert smokers


  • Single malt Scotch whisky
  • Dark chocolate with high cocoa content
  • Full-bodied red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon


The Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition series stands out for its cultural significance, exquisite craftsmanship, and the unique experience it offers. Each cigar not only delivers a rich, complex smoke but also connects the smoker with the ancient traditions of the Chinese zodiac. This blend of luxury, heritage, and sensory delight makes it a must-have for any serious cigar aficionado.


  • Q: Where can I purchase the Davidoff Zodiac Limited Edition cigars?

    A: You can find these exclusive cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive pricing.

  • Q: How often are new Zodiac cigars released?

    A: Davidoff releases a new Zodiac cigar every year to coincide with the Chinese New Year, making each release highly anticipated.

  • Q: Are these cigars suitable for beginners?

    A: Given their complexity and strength, they are more suited for experienced or expert smokers who can appreciate the nuanced flavors.

  • Q: What makes the Zodiac series unique?

    A: The Zodiac series is unique due to its cultural inspiration, limited production, and the fact that each cigar is crafted to embody the characteristics of its zodiac animal.

  • Q: Can I store these cigars with my other cigars?

    A: Yes, but for optimal aging, consider storing them separately to preserve their unique flavor profiles.

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