Indulge in the enigmatic allure of Crazy Alice by Deadwood Tobacco Co. This exceptional cigar embodies a rich blend of flavors and an enticing history that makes it a must-try for any cigar enthusiast. Let’s dive into what makes Crazy Alice truly exceptional.
Brand Deadwood Tobacco Co.: Deadwood Tobacco Co. is renowned for crafting cigars that push the boundaries of flavor and character. With a history rooted in the heart of the American West, this brand has mastered the art of blending exceptional tobaccos to create unforgettable smoking experiences. The commitment to quality and innovation sets Deadwood Tobacco Co. apart in the world of cigars.
- Wrapper: Dark and oily Maduro
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Shape: Torpedo
- Length: 5 inches
- Ring Gauge: 54
- Strength: Medium to Full
- Distinctive Flavor Profile: Crazy Alice is known for its unique fusion of flavors, offering notes of cocoa, coffee, and hints of spice. This complex flavor profile keeps you intrigued throughout the smoke.
- Impeccable Construction: Crafted with precision, each Crazy Alice cigar boasts excellent construction, ensuring a smooth draw and even burn.
- Artistic Band: The cigar is adorned with an artistic and eye-catching band that adds to its overall appeal.
- Heritage Blend: The blend used in Crazy Alice pays homage to the rich history of Deadwood, South Dakota, where legends of the Wild West come to life.
Crazy Alice is named after a character from the history of Deadwood, a town famous for its Gold Rush and Wild West heritage. While there may not be a specific historical figure named Crazy Alice, the cigar captures the essence of the era, making it a unique tribute to the town’s rich past.
In the world of cigars, Crazy Alice by Deadwood Tobacco Co. is a true gem. Its exceptional flavor, impeccable construction, and homage to the Wild West make it a captivating choice for cigar aficionados. At Hiland’s Cigars, we invite you to experience the allure of Crazy Alice and explore the diverse range of cigars we offer. Don’t miss the chance to add this exceptional cigar to your collection and embark on a journey of flavor and history. Explore our selection today and elevate your smoking experience with Hiland’s Cigars.