Drew Estate Freestyle
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Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Drew Estate was founded in 1996 by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel in New York City. They moved operations to Estelí, Nicaragua, in 1998, focusing on creating unique, artisanal cigars. Drew Estate has since become known for its innovative approach to cigar making, blending traditional methods with modern marketing.
Founding Year: 1996
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Drew Estate is highly respected for pushing the boundaries of Cigar culture with its eclectic and bold offerings. They are often credited with revitalizing the cigar industry through creative marketing and unique cigar lines. Their reputation includes being innovators, especially with the introduction of infused Cigars like Acid. However, they also produce traditional, non-infused lines that have garnered critical acclaim.
Release Date: Estimated 2007
Drew Estate Freestyle Live was introduced as part of their effort to cater to a younger, more diverse audience. Jonathan Drew has stated, “We wanted to create a cigar that was approachable, fun, and reflective of the vibrant culture of music and art.” This line was designed to be an entry-level cigar, offering a mild to medium body with flavors that appeal to both new and seasoned smokers.
Drew Estate Freestyle Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: Inspired by the vibrant and dynamic world of music, art, and street culture, Drew Estate Freestyle aims to capture the essence of creativity and freedom. The line was conceptualized to be a bridge between traditional cigar smokers and those new to the culture, offering a blend that’s both accessible and intriguing.
General Characteristics: Mild to medium body, smooth draw, consistent burn, approachable flavors, vibrant packaging
Tasting Notes: Vanilla, cocoa, cedar, hints of spice, creamy finish
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Aging Process and Notes: The tobaccos are aged for a minimum of 3 years to ensure a mellow and balanced smoke. The aging process focuses on developing the natural sweetness and smoothness of the blend.
Strength Estimate: Mild to Medium
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control checks including visual inspection, draw test, and burn test to ensure consistency and quality.
Unique Packing
The Drew Estate Freestyle Live cigars come in colorful, eye-catching packaging that reflects the brand’s artistic and cultural inspiration, making them stand out on the shelf.
Who Will Appreciate Drew Estate Freestyle?
Target Audience: Young adults, music and art enthusiasts, those new to cigars, and smokers looking for a lighter, flavorful smoke.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as an Affordable luxury, offering premium quality at a more accessible price point.
Type of Smoker: All, especially New and Experienced smokers
- Craft beer, particularly IPAs or light lagers
- Coffee, especially medium roasts
- Light desserts like vanilla ice cream or fruit tarts
Drew Estate Freestyle Live represents a fusion of tradition and innovation, appealing to a broad audience with its mild to medium profile and unique cultural branding. Its reputation for quality, combined with its approachable flavors, makes it a standout choice for both newcomers and seasoned cigar aficionados. The Brand‘s commitment to creativity and accessibility ensures its place in the evolving cigar market.
Q: Where can I buy Drew Estate Freestyle cigars?
A: You can purchase Drew Estate Freestyle cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and Discount Prices.
Q: Are Drew Estate Freestyle cigars good for beginners?
A: Yes, they are designed to be approachable with a mild to medium strength, making them ideal for those new to cigar smoking.
Q: What makes Drew Estate Freestyle different from other Drew Estate lines?
A: Freestyle Live focuses on a lighter, more accessible flavor profile with vibrant packaging, targeting a younger demographic and those less familiar with cigars.
Q: How should I store Drew Estate Freestyle cigars?
A: Store them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to maintain their quality and flavor.
Q: Can I smoke Drew Estate Freestyle cigars with food?
A: Absolutely, they pair well with light foods and beverages, enhancing the overall experience.