The Hoyo Overruns #59 Maduro is a bundle of 20 meticulously rolled cigars. These cigars carry the boldness of Honduran origin wrapped with rich Maduro leaves. This Churchill-shaped medium strength cigar, measuring 7.5×54, underscores the incomparable expertise of Hoyo de Monterey. Now available in cost-effective packaging, this is a shoestring solution for those who fancy big flavors without a big price tag. The cigars also perfectly pair with full-bodied rums for an exclusive smokey experience.
Highlights of Hoyo Overruns #59 Maduro
The cigars not only boast a sensuously thick Maduro wrapper but also hold intricate notes of quality fillers and binders from Honduras. The unsung hero of this particular product is its affordability despite its extraordinary quality. Moreover, these cigars illustrate Hoyo de Monterey’s commitment to blending using traditional methods with a modern twist.
About Hoyo de Monterey Cigars:
Renowned for their consistent build and flavor profile, Hoyo de Monterey Cigars have a cherished history rooted in the heart of Honduras. The brand focuses on intricacy and quality of roll which combines to maintain an impressive reputation across cigar connoisseurs worldwide. Their endeavours in producing a superior smoke have resulted in multiple accolades over the years, highlighting their expertise in cigar manufacturing.
The Hoyo de Monterey brand and their cigars, like the Overruns #59 Maduro, frequently receive positive mentions in cigar enthusiast magazines and online publications. While the brand consistently scores well in consumer ratings, the Overruns #59 Maduro has repeatedly snagged high scores on several cigar platforms for its bold flavors and extraordinary value for money.
The Hoyo Overruns #59 Maduro offers an opportunity to savor the renowned quality of Hoyo de Monterey at a pleasingly affordable rate. Rest assured that Hiland’s Cigars offers this exciting range of cigars at discount prices every day. With fast shipping and exceptional 5-star customer service, your dash of luxury is just a click away when you shop at Hiland’s Cigars.
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