The American
Brand Overview
History of the Brand: The American cigar brand was established with the vision of creating a uniquely American cigar experience, blending traditional Cuban techniques with American innovation. It was founded by a group of cigar enthusiasts who wanted to bring a new perspective to the cigar market. Their goal was to craft cigars that reflect the spirit of America, combining luxury with accessibility.
Founding Year: 2010
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: The American has carved out a niche for itself in the Cigar world by offering high-quality, uniquely flavored Cigars. They are known for their meticulous attention to detail in both tobacco selection and blending. The Brand has received positive feedback for its innovative approach, although some traditionalists argue it strays too far from classic cigar profiles. However, its reputation continues to grow, especially among younger smokers looking for something different.
Release Date: October 2010
The American cigar line was introduced with much fanfare, aiming to redefine what an American cigar could be. “We wanted to capture the essence of America in every puff,” said one of the founders during the launch event. The line was well-received for its bold flavors and unique packaging, which quickly became a talking point in cigar lounges across the country.
The American Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: Inspired by the diverse landscapes and cultures of America, The American cigars aim to encapsulate the country’s vastness and variety. The concept was to create a cigar that could be enjoyed by all, from the novice to the connoisseur, reflecting the American spirit of inclusivity and innovation.
General Characteristics: Smooth, rich, complex, aromatic, well-balanced
Tasting Notes: Cedar, leather, dark chocolate, coffee, hints of spice
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: A blend of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian tobaccos
Aging Process and Notes: Each cigar is aged for a minimum of 18 months to ensure a mellow, well-rounded flavor profile. The aging process is done in temperature and humidity-controlled environments to enhance the Tobacco‘s natural flavors.
Strength Estimate: Medium to Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes a rigorous quality control process, including visual inspection, draw test, and a final taste test by expert rollers to ensure consistency and quality.
Unique Packing
The American cigars come in boxes designed to mimic the look of an American flag, with each cigar individually wrapped in a band featuring iconic American symbols like the bald eagle or the Statue of Liberty.
Who Will Appreciate The American?
Target Audience: Patriotic cigar lovers, those who appreciate innovation in traditional products, and anyone looking for a cigar with a story.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium yet accessible brand, with prices that reflect the quality but are not prohibitive for the average enthusiast.
Type of Smoker: All, with a particular appeal to new and experienced smokers looking for something uniquely American.
- Bourbon
- Strong black coffee
- Grilled steak
The American cigar brand stands out for its bold attempt to redefine the cigar experience with an American twist. Its reputation for quality, unique flavors, and innovative packaging makes it a compelling choice for those who appreciate a cigar with a narrative. While it might not appeal to all traditionalists, its growing fan base among younger and more adventurous smokers speaks volumes about its appeal and potential in the market.
Q: Where can I buy The American cigars?
A: You can purchase The American cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and Discount Prices.
Q: Are The American cigars suitable for beginners?
A: Yes, The American offers a range of strengths, including some that are very approachable for Beginners, providing a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.
Q: How should I store The American cigars?
A: Store them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to maintain their quality. Hiland’s Cigars can provide you with the perfect humidor for your needs.
Q: What makes The American cigars unique?
A: Their unique blend of tobaccos, the American-inspired packaging, and the story behind each cigar make them stand out in the market.
Q: Can I get a discount on The American cigars?
A: Yes, Hiland’s Cigars often has promotions and discounts on The American cigars, so keep an eye on their website for the best deals.