Joya de Nicaragua Dos Cientos
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In the world of cigars, the Joya de Nicaragua Dos Cientos holds a unique allure, a potent symbol of history, celebration, and unity. This cigar was launched to mark the 200th anniversary of Central American independence in 2021, its name ‘Dos Cientos’ translating to ‘two hundred’. Every element of this cigar, from its blend to its design, serves as a tribute to the region’s rich history and shared culture.
The Dos Cientos exhibits a multinational blend, uniting tobaccos from five countries across Central and South America. It features fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Peru, bound by a Dominican binder, and elegantly encased within an Ecuadorian wrapper. This intricate composition of diverse tobaccos makes the Dos Cientos a flavorful ambassador of Latin American tobacco tradition.
Upon lighting, the Dos Cientos opens with an earthy sweetness, laced with notes of cedar and a hint of spice. As you journey deeper, this medium-bodied cigar reveals layers of complexity, unfolding nuances of creamy cocoa, dried fruits, and a subtle peppery finish. The smoke is beautifully balanced and smooth, making for an engaging experience from start to end.
As with all Joya de Nicaragua cigars, each Dos Cientos is expertly handcrafted at the esteemed factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. The packaging is equally impressive, presented in boxes of 21 – a nod to the 21 countries that make up Latin America.
In essence, the Joya de Nicaragua Dos Cientos is not merely a cigar but a conduit connecting diverse cultures and traditions. With each puff, you savor two centuries of independence and progress, making the smoking experience a reflective journey through time and history.