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L.C. Cigars

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Brand Overview

History of the Brand: L.C. Cigars, founded by Luis Cuenca, has been crafting premium cigars since the early 2000s. Known for their meticulous attention to detail, L.C. Cigars quickly established a reputation for quality and innovation in the cigar world. Their commitment to using only the finest tobaccos from the Dominican Republic has made them a favorite among aficionados.

Founding Year: 2002

Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: L.C. Cigars is highly respected for its consistent quality and unique blends. They are often praised for their complex flavor profiles and the smooth smoking experience they provide. The brand has received numerous accolades from Cigar critics and has a loyal following. Their approach to blending and aging tobacco has set them apart, making them a benchmark for boutique cigar manufacturers.


Release Date: Estimated January 2003

L.C. Cigars was launched with the aim of bringing a new level of sophistication to the cigar market. Luis Cuenca, the founder, stated, “We wanted to create a cigar that not only tastes exceptional but also tells a story of craftsmanship and passion.” The initial line was well-received, with critics noting the depth of flavor and the balance achieved in each blend.

L.C. Cigars Attributes

Concept & Inspiration: Inspired by the rich Tobacco traditions of the Dominican Republic, L.C. Cigars aims to encapsulate the essence of the island’s culture and heritage. Each cigar is a tribute to the art of cigar making, focusing on the balance between tradition and innovation.

General Characteristics: Smooth, creamy, well-balanced, complex, aromatic

Tasting Notes: Cedar, cocoa, leather, spice, hints of coffee

Notable L.C. Cigars Ratings

  • L.C. Cuenca y Blanco, 93, Cigar Aficionado
  • L.C. Cuenca y Blanco Robusto, 92, Cigar Journal

Summary: L.C. Cigars consistently receive high marks for their flavor complexity and construction, making them a top choice for those seeking a premium smoking experience.

Tobacco Details

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano

Binder: Dominican Olor

Filler: Dominican Piloto Cubano, Nicaraguan, Peruvian

Aging Process and Notes: L.C. Cigars are aged for a minimum of 18 months in temperature and humidity-controlled rooms to ensure a mellow and rich flavor profile.

Strength Estimate: Medium to Full

Production and Quality

Manufacturing: Hand-rolled

Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes a rigorous quality control process including visual inspection, draw test, and a final taste test by experienced rollers.

Unique Packing

L.C. Cigars are often presented in elegant, cedar-lined boxes that enhance the aging process and protect the cigars from environmental changes.

Who Will Appreciate L.C. Cigars?

Target Audience: Discerning cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a well-crafted, flavorful cigar with a story behind it.

Pricing Strategy: L.C. Cigars are positioned in the premium segment, reflecting their quality and the artisanal process involved in their creation.

Type of Smoker: Experienced and Expert smokers


  • Single Malt Scotch
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Espresso


L.C. Cigars stands out in the premium cigar market with its dedication to quality, flavor, and tradition. Their cigars offer a sophisticated smoking experience, appealing to those who value craftsmanship and complexity in their smokes. The Brand‘s reputation for excellence and innovation makes it a must-try for any serious cigar aficionado.


  • Q: Where can I buy L.C. Cigars?

    A: You can purchase L.C. Cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive pricing.

  • Q: Are L.C. Cigars suitable for beginners?

    A: While L.C. Cigars are crafted with a complexity that might be more appreciated by experienced smokers, Beginners with an adventurous palate might also enjoy them.

  • Q: How should I store L.C. Cigars?

    A: Store them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity and 68-70°F to maintain their quality and flavor.

  • Q: What makes L.C. Cigars unique?

    A: Their unique blend of tobaccos from different regions, combined with a meticulous aging process, results in a distinctive flavor profile that’s both rich and nuanced.

  • Q: Can I get a discount on L.C. Cigars?

    A: Yes, Hiland’s Cigars often offers discounts and promotions on L.C. Cigars, so keep an eye on their website for the best deals.

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