My Father 25th Anniversary
Brand Overview
History of the Brand: My Father Cigars was founded by José “Pepin” Garcia, a Cuban cigar maker who moved to Miami in the late 2000s. The brand quickly gained acclaim for its traditional Cuban-style cigars, focusing on quality and consistency. Over the years, My Father has expanded its offerings, maintaining a reputation for excellence in the cigar world.
Founding Year: 2008
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: My Father Cigars is highly respected for its dedication to traditional Cigar-making techniques. They are known for their full-bodied, complex flavors which have earned them numerous awards. The Brand‘s reputation is built on the Garcia family’s legacy of craftsmanship, with Pepin Garcia often quoted saying, “We make cigars the way they should be made.” Their consistent quality has made them a favorite among both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
Release Date: October 2019
The My Father 25th Anniversary cigar was released to celebrate Pepin Garcia’s 25 years in the cigar industry. This line was crafted to showcase the pinnacle of their blending expertise. Pepin Garcia has stated, “This cigar is a tribute to my journey, reflecting the evolution of my craft over the last 25 years.”
My Father 25th Anniversary Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The 25th Anniversary cigar was inspired by Pepin Garcia’s personal journey in the cigar industry, aiming to encapsulate his growth and mastery over the years. It’s a blend that combines traditional Cuban methods with innovative techniques learned over his career.
General Characteristics: Full-bodied, complex, rich, smooth, well-balanced
Tasting Notes: Dark chocolate, espresso, leather, spice, hints of sweetness
Notable My Father 25th Anniversary Ratings
- My Father 25th Anniversary, 95, Cigar Aficionado
- My Father 25th Anniversary, 94, Cigar Journal
Summary: The My Father 25th Anniversary has received high praise for its exceptional quality, with ratings reflecting its rich flavor profile and impeccable construction. It’s considered a benchmark for luxury cigars.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano Rosado
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Aging Process and Notes: The Tobacco is aged for a minimum of 3 years, with some leaves aged up to 5 years to develop complexity and smoothness.
Strength Estimate: Medium to Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes multiple quality checks, including visual inspection, draw test, and a final sensory evaluation to ensure consistency in flavor and construction.
Unique Packing
The My Father 25th Anniversary comes in a special edition box with a unique design commemorating the anniversary, featuring gold embossing and a satin finish.
Who Will Appreciate My Father 25th Anniversary?
Target Audience: Aficionados of premium cigars, collectors, and those looking for a memorable smoking experience.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a luxury item, the pricing reflects the exclusivity and the celebration of 25 years of craftsmanship.
Type of Smoker: Experienced or Expert smokers
- Single Malt Scotch
- Dark Chocolate
- Espresso
The My Father 25th Anniversary cigar is a testament to Pepin Garcia’s legacy in the cigar world. It offers a rich, complex smoking experience that honors the past while pushing the boundaries of what a cigar can be. Its reputation for quality, combined with its unique flavor profile, makes it a must-try for any serious cigar enthusiast.
Q: Where can I buy the My Father 25th Anniversary cigar?
A: You can purchase the My Father 25th Anniversary cigar at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: How should I store these cigars?
A: Store them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to preserve their quality. Hiland’s Cigars can provide you with the perfect humidor for your collection.
Q: What makes the My Father 25th Anniversary special?
A: It’s a blend that celebrates 25 years of Pepin Garcia’s work, combining traditional methods with innovative techniques, resulting in a unique and memorable smoke.
Q: Is this cigar suitable for beginners?
A: While it’s more suited for experienced smokers due to its complexity, Beginners with an adventurous palate might enjoy exploring its depth.
Q: Can I get a discount on these cigars?
A: Check Hiland’s Cigars for any ongoing promotions or discounts on the My Father 25th Anniversary cigars.