The My Father La Opulencia Toro Box Press is an exceptional offering from the renowned My Father brand. This Nicaraguan paragon combines elements from popular My Father Cigars, La Bijou and My Father, into a single spectacular masterpiece. We recommend pairing this medium-full strength cigar with a mature Oak barrel bourbon to complement its rich flavor profile.
Highlights of the My Father La Opulencia Toro Box Press This stellar cigar boasts a 6” length and a 54 ring gauge. Wrapped with a leaf originating from a Dark Oscuro leaf of Mexican San Andrés, it hosts a Nicaraguan blend filler. Its unique box press shape not only adds to its visual appeal but also contributes to a prolonged, enjoyable smoking experience.
About My Father Cigars:
My Father Cigars, a popular name in the cigar industry, owes its fame to the iconic Garcia family. The brand’s dedication to preserving traditional hand-rolling techniques while incorporating innovative approaches has earned it several accolades. Known for its meticulous attention to detail and exceptional consistency, My Father Cigars is a choice brand for the discerning cigar connoisseur.
My Father La Opulencia Toro Box Press, with its blend of robust flavours has garnered significant mentions in various cigar publications, with several positive reviews lauding its satisfying draw, intricate blend of flavors, and tantalizing aroma.
In summary, the My Father La Opulencia Toro Box Press is a medium-full strength cigar that promises a unique and enjoyable experience for those who value quality and excellence. Find this and more at discounted prices every day at Hiland’s Cigars. We pride ourselves on quick shipping service and 5-star customer care. Indulge in your love for cigars with confidence with Hiland’s fine selection.
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