Nicaraguan Missile
Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Nicaraguan Missile, established in the heart of Estelí, Nicaragua, has been crafting premium cigars since the early 2000s. Known for its bold flavors and meticulous craftsmanship, the brand has quickly risen to prominence in the cigar world.
Founding Year: 2002
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Nicaraguan Missile has earned a reputation for producing some of the most robust and flavorful Cigars available. They are celebrated for their consistent quality, innovative blends, and have received numerous accolades from Cigar aficionados and critics alike. Their impact on the industry includes setting new standards for Nicaraguan tobacco blends.
Tobacco Facilities: The Brand operates from a state-of-the-art facility in Estelí, known for its fertile soil and ideal climate for Tobacco cultivation.
Nicaraguan Missile Overview
Nicaraguan Missile cigars are renowned for their explosive flavors, drawing inspiration from the rich volcanic soil of Nicaragua. The brand’s identity is built around the concept of delivering a powerful smoking experience, with each cigar designed to offer a memorable journey through complex flavors and aromas.
Quotes by the Creator: “Our aim is to create a cigar that not only satisfies but also surprises with every puff.” – Juan Carlos, Master Blender
Important Sub-Brands: Torpedo, Robusto, Churchill
Nicaraguan Missile Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: The philosophy behind Nicaraguan Missile is to encapsulate the essence of Nicaraguan tobacco’s strength and complexity. The brand seeks to push the boundaries of traditional cigar making by blending tobaccos from different regions of Nicaragua to achieve a unique profile.
General Characteristics: Full-bodied, spicy, earthy, rich, complex.
Notable Nicaraguan Missile Ratings
- Nicaraguan Missile Torpedo, 93, Cigar Aficionado
- Nicaraguan Missile Robusto, 91, Cigar Journal
Summary: Nicaraguan Missile cigars are highly regarded for their robust flavor profiles and consistent quality, earning them high marks from leading cigar publications.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Dark, oily Nicaraguan Corojo
Binder: Nicaraguan Jalapa
Filler: A blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos from Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa
Aging Process and Notes: Each cigar undergoes a minimum of 3 years of aging to mellow the tobaccos and enhance flavor complexity.
Strength Estimate: Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled by skilled torcedores in Estelí, ensuring each cigar meets the brand’s high standards.
Quality Checks: Every cigar is inspected for draw, burn, and flavor consistency before packaging.
Unique Packaging
Nicaraguan Missile cigars come in sleek, black lacquered boxes with a missile emblem, symbolizing the explosive flavor profile.
Who Will Appreciate Nicaraguan Missile?
Target Audience: Enthusiasts who enjoy a full-flavored, complex cigar experience.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium cigar, reflecting the quality and craftsmanship involved.
Type of Smoker: Best suited for experienced smokers who appreciate strong, full-bodied cigars.
- Single Malt Scotch
- Espresso
- Dark Chocolate
- Full-bodied Red Wines like Cabernet Sauvignon
Nicaraguan Missile cigars are a testament to the art of blending and aging tobacco to perfection. Their robust flavors, combined with high ratings and thoughtful pairings, make them a standout choice for those seeking a powerful and memorable cigar experience. The brand’s commitment to quality and innovation ensures that each cigar delivers not just smoke, but a story of Nicaraguan heritage and craftsmanship.
Q: Where can I buy Nicaraguan Missile cigars?
A: You can purchase Nicaraguan Missile cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: Are Nicaraguan Missile cigars suitable for beginners?
A: While they are full-bodied, Beginners might find them overwhelming. However, they are perfect for those looking to explore strong flavors.
Q: How should I store Nicaraguan Missile cigars?
A: Keep them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity to preserve their flavor and quality.
Q: What makes Nicaraguan Missile cigars unique?
A: Their unique blend of tobaccos from different Nicaraguan regions, combined with an extensive aging process, results in a distinctive, full-flavored profile.
Q: Can I order Nicaraguan Missile cigars online?
A: Yes, you can order them online from Hiland’s Cigars, where they offer a seamless shopping experience with great deals.