Voltix Lighters

Oliva Connecticut Reserve Torpedo (6.5×52 / Box of 20)

SKU: Oliva_Connecticut_Wrapper_Reserve_Torpedo

Original price was: $155.98.Current price is: $125.98.

Cigar Length
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The Oliva Connecticut Reserve Torpedo is a game changer in the realm of mild blend cigars. Hailing from Nicaragua, this stately Torpedo shaped cigar sports an impressive 6.5-inch length and a 52 ring gauge. Notably, it’s dressed in a velvety, Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that provides a certain elegance. Beneath this stunning exterior, a hearty blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers is held together by a robust Nicaraguan binder. Pair this sensory treat with a creamy latte for an indulgent Saturday afternoon.

Highlights of the Oliva Connecticut Reserve Torpedo

This cigar is known for its Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that graces each cigar, creating a refined, luxurious experience. Its premium, Nicaraguan long-filler and binder augment the finesse of the wrapper, delivering a distinct, mild-to-medium strength profile. The brand’s impeccable rolling technique ensures an even burn and a comfortable draw.

About Oliva Cigars:

Founded in 1886, Oliva Cigars is a respected figure in the cigar industry. Known for their unwavering commitment to quality, Oliva produces an assortment of highly rated cigars, each designed to deliver a unique smoking experience. The brand has been recognized by Cigar Aficionado with impressive ratings, attesting to their evident dedication towards maintaining superior quality in each handcrafted blend.

Oliva Connecticut Reserve Torpedo has proudly earned an 85-point rating from Cigar Aficionado. This respectable rating signifies its high-quality construction and flavorful profile. The blend’s masterfully executed mixture of cedar, cream, coffee and subtle spices are fondly remembered among its loyal fan base.

The Oliva Connecticut Reserve Torpedo is a sublime offering that captivates the palate with its luscious flavor profile and flawless design. Discover the mystique of Oliva’s craftmanship and savor this gentle, flavorful experience today at Hiland’s Cigars, where there are discount prices on cigars each day. Trust in Hiland’s prompt shipping and exceptional 5-star customer service. Enjoy this cigar as it’s intended – unhurried and savored.

Cigar Brand
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