The Oliva Serie G Figurado offers a unique, flavorful smoking experience for the discerning cigar enthusiast. Originating from Nicaragua, the cigar measures 6.5 inches in length with a 60 ring gauge. The perfect medium strength combined with meticulously chosen Aged African Cameroon wrapper, binder, and filler, results in a distinguished flavor profile of warm cedar complemented by coffee notes and a subtle nuttiness. The Figurado shape of these cigars enhances the deep flavors and ensures a balanced, complex smoke every time. Pair this cigar with a full-bodied coffee for the ultimate indulgence.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie G Figurado: This cigar stands out for its superior quality Aged African Cameroon wrapper. Meticulously handcrafted, the Figurado shape ensures an even and easy draw, providing an uninterrupted experience for the smoker.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars trace their roots back to Cuba in the 1880s, a testament to their long-standing commitment to quality and true cigar craftsmanship. They are well-known for their intense dedication to their cigar line, methodically aging their tobacco leaves to achieve a smooth and distinctive flavor profile. This dedication to excellence explains why they’ve received numerous awards, including a commendable 88-point rating from Cigar Aficionado for the Oliva Serie G Figurado.
This cigar has been favorably reviewed and rated by Cigar Aficionado, underlining its quality and appeal. Its unique medium strength and nuanced flavor notes of cedar, coffee, and nuttiness have garnered other accolades in the world of premium tobacco as well.
The Oliva Serie G Figurado is a must-try cigar for those who appreciate the complexity and harmonious balance of flavors in a premium cigar. At Hiland’s Cigars, we’re proud to offer a selection of fine Oliva cigars, including the celebrated Serie G Figurado, at incredible discount prices every day. With Hiland’s Cigars, fast shipping of orders and our 5-star customer service further enhance your shopping experience. Rediscover pleasure in your smoke with the Oliva Serie G Figurado today.
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