The Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Double Toro is a cigar of distinction. Handcrafted in beautiful Nicaragua, these cigars are a medium to full-bodied smoke with a Gordo shape. Wrapped in a luscious maduro leaf, the filler and binder are selections of rich Nicaraguan tobaccos that deliver a delightful earthy taste with a hint of molasses. These cigars come in a box of 10, making them perfect for sharing with fellow aficionados. With the perfect balance of sweet and strong notes, they are best paired with a full-bodied espresso or robust wine.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Double Toro
This cigar employs a special blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobacco, complemented by a meticulously aged and fermented maduro wrapper. The result is a remarkably smooth, yet full-flavored smoke that harmonizes earthiness and sweetness in each puff.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars is a respected name in the cigar industry with a heritage of premium quality and unmatched craftsmanship. The brand has persistently paid homage to traditional cigar-making techniques, while constantly innovating to provide smokers with remarkable experiences. Notably, Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Double Toro was awarded a remarkable 91-point rating by Cigar Aficionado.
The Oliva brand has been mentioned numerous times in reputable publications and has received high praise for their dedication to creating quality cigars. The brand further etched its name into the history of premium cigars when the Figurado variant of this blend bagged the coveted Cigar Aficionado’s 2014 Cigar of the Year with a rarely heard 96 point rating.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Double Toro offers an unforgettable smoking experience with its complex flavors and exceptional construction. Hiland’s Cigars is delighted to bring these sought-after cigars to you at discount prices every day. With our top-notch 5-star customer service and quick shipping, indulging in these premium cigars has never been easier. Remember, when it comes to cigars, Hiland’s Cigars always delivers the finest.
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