The Oliva Serie V Special Sampler offers a rich selection of Nicaraguan full-bodied cigars, known for their high-quality craftsmanship and robust flavors. Encompassed within each cigar is a carefully matched blend of Jalapa Valley Ligero, bound within a Nicaraguan binder and adorned with a stunning, sun-grown Habano wrapper. Their varying sizes and shapes provide a distinctive experience for each unique design, with the possibility of pairing them with robust coffee or a delightful dark chocolate.
Highlights of the Oliva Serie V Special Sampler
Packed with carefully selected tobaccos from the esteemed Jalapa region, this sampler strives to provide a consistent, finely tuned smoking experience. Each cigar features the rich, peppery flavor of the Ligero Leaf, lovingly contained within a Nicaraguan binder. The sun-grown Habano wrapper enhances each puff with a touch of oily, dark chocolate richness that leaves lingering, satisfying notes on the palate.
About Oliva Cigars:
Oliva Cigars have been consistently delivering quality cigars since their inception, driven by an enduring pursuit of excellence. Made from the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos, the brand has developed a reputation for blending integral flavor profiles with top-notch craftsmanship. Acknowledged for their impressive mass appeal, Oliva Serie V cigars have been portrayed favorably in renowned publications and have received multiple 90+ point ratings from Cigar Aficionado for their richness, complexity and consistency.
The Oliva Serie V Special Sampler is an exquisite selection for the seasoned smoker or those seeking to explore the full-bodied side of Nicaraguan cigars. As always, Hiland’s Cigars offers these finely made cigars at discounted prices every day. Quick shipping and 5-star customer service from Hiland’s Cigars ensure you can enjoy this quality pleasure without hassle or delay.
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