Brand Overview
History of the Brand: Other Cigars, while not as historically entrenched as some of the giants in the cigar industry, has carved out a niche for itself with innovative approaches to cigar making. Founded in the late 20th century, Other has quickly gained recognition for its unique blends and modern marketing strategies.
Founding Year: 1998
Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Other Cigars has established itself as a brand that appeals to a younger demographic with its contemporary branding and experimental blends. It’s known for pushing boundaries with its tobacco selections and has received accolades for its creativity and quality, often highlighted in Cigar enthusiast publications for its bold flavors.
Tobacco Facilities:
- Primary Factory: Miami, Florida, USA
- Secondary Facility: Estelí, Nicaragua
Other Overview
Other Cigars stands out with its commitment to innovation in the cigar world. The Brand focuses on creating unique smoking experiences by blending traditional methods with modern techniques. Their cigars often feature unexpected flavor profiles, appealing to those looking for something different from the classic cigar taste.
Quotes by the Creator: “We’re not just making cigars; we’re crafting experiences that redefine what a cigar can be.” – Founder, Other Cigars
Important Sub-Brands:
- Other Reserve
- Other Limited Edition
Other Attributes
Concept & Inspiration: Other Cigars draws inspiration from the fusion of cultures, aiming to blend the rich heritage of cigar-making with contemporary tastes. Their philosophy revolves around innovation, quality, and the exploration of new Tobacco varieties and aging processes.
General Characteristics: Bold flavors, innovative blends, modern packaging, experimental aging, unique tobacco selections.
Notable Other Ratings
- Other Reserve Maduro, 92, Cigar Aficionado
- Other Limited Edition 2021, 90, Cigar Journal
Summary: Other Cigars have been well-received for their bold approach to flavor and presentation, earning high marks for their innovative blends and quality craftsmanship.
Tobacco Details
Wrapper: Often uses a variety of wrappers like Ecuadorian Habano, Connecticut Broadleaf, or Mexican San Andrés.
Binder: Typically Nicaraguan or Dominican.
Filler: A mix of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and occasionally Brazilian tobaccos.
Aging Process and Notes: Other employs a unique aging process involving temperature and humidity control to enhance flavor complexity, often aging cigars for at least 18 months.
Strength Estimate: Medium to Full
Production and Quality
Manufacturing: Hand-rolled in small batches to ensure quality and consistency.
Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes a rigorous quality control process, including visual inspection, draw test, and a final sensory evaluation.
Unique Packaging
Other Cigars are known for their sleek, modern packaging, often featuring minimalist designs with vibrant colors to stand out on the shelf.
Who Will Appreciate Other?
Target Audience: Young professionals, cigar enthusiasts looking for new experiences, and those interested in the intersection of tradition and innovation.
Pricing Strategy: Positioned as a premium brand, with prices reflecting the quality and uniqueness of their offerings.
Type of Smoker: Suitable for experienced smokers who appreciate complex flavors and are open to exploring beyond traditional cigar profiles.
- Single Malt Scotch
- Full-bodied Red Wines like Cabernet Sauvignon
- Dark Chocolate
- Espresso
Other Cigars offer a fresh perspective in the cigar world, combining traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation. Their commitment to quality, unique flavor profiles, and contemporary marketing make them a standout choice for those looking to expand their palate. The high ratings and positive feedback from critics further solidify their reputation as a brand worth exploring, especially when paired with robust drinks or rich foods.
Q: Where can I buy Other Cigars?
A: You can purchase Other Cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and competitive prices.
Q: Are Other Cigars suitable for beginners?
A: While Other Cigars are crafted with complex flavors, they can be enjoyed by Beginners who are looking to explore beyond the basics of cigar smoking.
Q: How should I store Other Cigars?
A: Store them in a humidor at 65-70% humidity and around 70°F to preserve their unique flavors and ensure optimal aging.
Q: What makes Other Cigars different from other brands?
A: Other Cigars focus on innovation, using unique tobacco blends and aging processes to create distinctive smoking experiences.
Q: Do Other Cigars offer any special editions?
A: Yes, Other Cigars release limited editions annually, which are often highly sought after for their exclusive blends and packaging.