The Padron Magnum Natural is a brilliant example of a Nicaraguan cigar, produced by the acclaimed Padron brand. Cultivated in rich, volcanic soils, these substantial 9 inch medium-strength cigars offer a complementary blend of flavors encompassing earth, cedar, and subtle hints of peppery spice. Going beyond the typical, the unique Presidente shape is given a soft square press, which adds to the visual allure. The Padron Magnum Natural is perfect to enjoy in relaxed moments, possibly paired with a smooth cognac or a rich, dark coffee.
Highlights of the Padron Magnum Natural
Cloaked in an appealing milk chocolate claro wrapper, the Padron Magnum Natural unveils an interesting patchwork of darker shades, leading to a unique visual experience. The filling and binder carry a distinct essence of compost and the trademark “barnyard” scent, indicative of their natural, organic origins. The draw is notably free, ensuring a smooth, unhindered experience for the cigar lover.
About Padron Cigars
Padron Cigars is renowned for delivering high-quality, handmade cigars from the fertile soils of Nicaragua. The brand’s commitment to consistent excellence is reflected in its impressive lineage of products including the Padron Magnum Natural. With a core philosophy that emphasizes detail and craftsmanship, Padron Cigars has earned its place among the world’s premier cigar manufacturers.
The Padron Magnum Natural is part of a tradition of quality and craftsmanship upheld by the Padron family since the brand’s inception. Crafted with utmost precision and care, the Magnum Natural has made its presence felt in the world of cigars.
At Hiland’s Cigars, you can find the Padron Magnum Natural at discount prices every day. Known for excellent customer service and fast shipping, Hiland’s Cigars is the ideal destination for cigar enthusiasts looking for premium quality products. Explore our selection and indulge in the Padron Magnum Natural for a fulfilling cigar experience.
Customer Reviews
smokinjoe –
this is an amazing cigar …