The Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Gordo hails from the rich soils of Nicaragua. This medium-full strength cigar exhibits impressive craftsmanship with attention paid to even the minutest details. Sized at an attractive 6×60, it has a striking Cuban-seed Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper that has been bourbon barrel-aged for 14 months, guaranteeing a heady and robust flavor profile. Inside, the blend is equally proficient, offering smoker’s a delectable experience. Pairing Suggestions: This cigar pairs exceptionally well with a glass of bourbon or scotch to enhance your smoking experience.
Highlights of the Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Gordo
This remarkable cigar owes its distinct flavor to its phenomenal wrapper and filler. The Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper, aged for 14 months in bourbon barrels, brings a unique sweetness and complexity to the cigar. The careful arrangement of filler provides notes of espresso, chili, and honey throughout the smoke, making it a treat for the senses.
About Perdomo Cigars
Perdomo is a celebrated cigar brand known for its dedication to quality and tradition. These cigars are expertly handcrafted in the fertile lands of Nicaragua, encapsulating the natural richness of the region. The brand’s offerings have received multiple ratings of 85+ by Cigar Aficionado, symbolizing their consistency in delivering top-notch smokes to enthusiasts and novice smokers alike.
Masters of the cigar world have lauded the Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Gordo for its distinct flavor profile and quality. These accolades have been prominently featured in publications such as Cigar Aficionado. The cigars have been celebrated as a top seller worldwide due to their unique blend of flavors and distinct craftsmanship.
If you’re in the market for a cigar that delivers on all fronts – flavor, construction, and consistency- then look no further than the Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Gordo. At Hiland’s Cigars, we offer this stand-out product at discount prices every day. With our speedy shipping services and exceptional 5-star customer service, we ensure a seamless shopping experience for our customers. Savor the robust and complex flavors of this Perdomo cigar, order today at Hiland’s Cigars.
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