Voltix Lighters


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Brand Overview

History of the Brand: Protocol Cigars was established by the Oliva Cigar Co., known for their commitment to quality and innovation in the cigar industry. The brand was introduced to offer a modern, approachable line of cigars that appeal to both new and seasoned smokers.

Founding Year: 2016

Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: Protocol has quickly gained recognition for its consistent quality and value. It’s praised for providing a premium smoking experience at a more accessible price point, making it a favorite among Cigar enthusiasts looking for a blend of tradition and innovation. The Brand has been noted for its unique marketing strategies and has received several accolades for its blends.

Tobacco Facilities: Protocol Cigars are crafted in the Oliva Cigar Co.’s facilities in Nicaragua, known for their state-of-the-art production capabilities.

Protocol Overview

Protocol Cigars, launched by the Oliva family, aims to redefine the cigar experience with a focus on modern aesthetics and a blend that appeals to a younger demographic. The brand combines traditional cigar-making techniques with contemporary design, offering a fresh take on the classic cigar. It’s designed to be an entry point for new smokers while still satisfying the palates of seasoned aficionados.

Quotes by the Creator: “We wanted to create a cigar that not only tastes great but also looks great. Protocol is about bringing a new generation into the cigar world.” – Jose Oliva

Protocol Attributes

Concept & Inspiration: Protocol draws inspiration from the idea of a modern protocol or etiquette for enjoying cigars. It’s about creating a ritual that’s both accessible and sophisticated, appealing to those who appreciate design and quality craftsmanship in their smoking experience.

General Characteristics: Smooth, flavorful, well-constructed, consistent, approachable.

Notable Protocol Ratings

  • Protocol Themis, 90, Cigar Aficionado
  • Protocol D1, 89, Cigar Journal

Summary: Protocol cigars have been well-received for their balance of flavor and construction, earning them solid ratings from respected publications. They offer a premium experience at a price point that’s welcoming to newcomers.

Tobacco Details

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut or Habano

Binder: Nicaraguan

Filler: A blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos

Aging Process and Notes: Protocol cigars undergo a meticulous aging process to ensure a smooth, well-rounded flavor profile. This aging enhances the complexity and richness of the smoke.

Strength Estimate: Medium to Full

Production and Quality

Manufacturing: Hand-rolled in Nicaragua, ensuring each cigar meets the high standards set by Oliva Cigar Co.

Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control checks, from Tobacco selection to the final product, to guarantee consistency and satisfaction.

Unique Packaging

Protocol cigars come in sleek, modern packaging with a minimalist design, reflecting the brand’s ethos of sophistication and accessibility.

Who Will Appreciate Protocol?

Target Audience: Young professionals, new cigar smokers, and those looking for a stylish yet traditional cigar experience.

Pricing Strategy: Protocol positions itself as a premium yet accessible brand, offering high-quality cigars at a more reasonable price than many luxury brands.

Type of Smoker: Suitable for all smokers, particularly appealing to novices and those transitioning from occasional to regular smoking.


  • Single malt Scotch
  • Red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Craft beers with rich flavors
  • Dark chocolate


Protocol cigars offer a unique blend of tradition and modernity, appealing to a broad audience with their approachable pricing and high-quality construction. Their consistent ratings and the thoughtful pairing options make them a versatile choice for any occasion, whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just starting out. The brand’s commitment to quality and innovation ensures that Protocol will continue to be a notable name in the cigar world.


  • Q: Where can I buy Protocol cigars?

    A: You can purchase Protocol cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their excellent customer service, fast shipping, and Discount Prices.

  • Q: Are Protocol cigars suitable for beginners?

    A: Yes, Protocol cigars are crafted to be approachable, making them an excellent choice for Beginners looking to explore premium cigars.

  • Q: What makes Protocol different from other cigar brands?

    A: Protocol stands out with its modern design, consistent quality, and the Oliva family’s reputation for excellence, all at a more accessible price point.

  • Q: How should I store Protocol cigars?

    A: Like all premium cigars, Protocol should be stored in a humidor with a relative humidity of 65-70% to maintain their quality.

  • Q: Can I find Protocol cigars in different sizes?

    A: Yes, Protocol offers a variety of sizes to cater to different smoking preferences, available at Hiland’s Cigars.

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