Voltix Lighters

The Griffin's

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Brand Overview

History of the Brand: The Griffin’s, part of the Davidoff family, was established to offer a more accessible line of cigars while maintaining the high standards of Davidoff. It was introduced to cater to a broader audience, blending tradition with innovation.

Founding Year: 1990

Overall Reputation in the Cigar Industry: The Griffin’s has carved out a niche for itself by providing quality Cigars at a more Affordable price point than its parent brand, Davidoff. It’s recognized for its consistent quality, appealing to both newcomers and seasoned cigar enthusiasts. The brand has received numerous accolades for its blend and craftsmanship.

Tobacco Facilities: The Griffin’s cigars are crafted in the Dominican Republic, utilizing the expertise and facilities of Davidoff.

The Griffin’s Overview

The Griffin’s Brand was created to extend the Davidoff legacy to a wider audience, offering cigars that embody the same meticulous attention to detail but at a more accessible price. Known for its smooth, well-balanced flavors, The Griffin’s has become synonymous with quality and value in the Cigar world.

Quotes by the Creator: “We wanted to bring the Davidoff experience to a broader audience without compromising on quality.” – Zino Davidoff

Important Sub-Brands: The Griffin’s No. 300, The Griffin’s No. 500

The Griffin’s Attributes

Concept & Inspiration: The Griffin’s was inspired by the desire to democratize the luxury cigar experience. It aims to provide a sophisticated smoking experience that reflects the heritage of Davidoff but is accessible to a larger audience.

General Characteristics: Smooth, balanced, consistent, approachable, value-for-money.

Notable The Griffin’s Ratings

  • The Griffin’s No. 300, 90, Cigar Aficionado
  • The Griffin’s No. 500, 89, Cigar Journal

Summary: The Griffin’s cigars are well-regarded for their quality and consistency, offering a premium experience at a mid-tier price point, making them a favorite among both critics and consumers.

Tobacco Details

Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade

Binder: Dominican

Filler: A blend of Dominican and Brazilian tobaccos

Aging Process and Notes: The Griffin’s cigars undergo a meticulous aging process, which enhances the complexity and smoothness of the smoke, ensuring a refined flavor profile.

Strength Estimate: Medium

Production and Quality

Manufacturing: Hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic, ensuring each cigar meets the high standards set by Davidoff.

Quality Checks: Each cigar undergoes rigorous quality control checks, from Tobacco selection to the final product, to maintain consistency and excellence.

Unique Packaging

The Griffin’s cigars come in elegant, traditional boxes that reflect the brand’s commitment to quality and heritage, with each box featuring the iconic Griffin’s logo.

Who Will Appreciate The Griffin’s?

Target Audience: The Griffin’s appeals to cigar enthusiasts looking for a premium experience without the premium price tag, as well as those new to cigars who want to explore quality without a significant investment.

Pricing Strategy: The Griffin’s employs a mid-tier pricing strategy, offering luxury at a more accessible price point.

Type of Smoker: Suitable for all smokers, from novices to experts, who appreciate a well-crafted cigar.


  • Single malt Scotch
  • Red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Coffee or espresso
  • Dark chocolate


The Griffin’s cigars offer an excellent balance of quality, flavor, and value, making them a standout choice in the cigar market. Their consistent ratings and the thoughtful pairing options make them a versatile choice for any occasion, providing a luxurious experience at a more approachable price point.


  • Q: Where can I buy The Griffin’s cigars?

    A: You can purchase The Griffin’s cigars at Hiland’s Cigars, known for their great customer service, fast shipping, and Discount Prices.

  • Q: Are The Griffin’s cigars suitable for beginners?

    A: Yes, The Griffin’s cigars are crafted to be approachable, making them an excellent choice for Beginners looking to explore premium cigars.

  • Q: How do The Griffin’s cigars compare to Davidoff?

    A: While The Griffin’s shares the same commitment to quality as Davidoff, they are positioned at a more accessible price point, offering a similar experience but with different blends and price points.

  • Q: What makes The Griffin’s cigars unique?

    A: The Griffin’s cigars are unique for their blend of luxury and accessibility, providing a high-quality smoking experience at a mid-tier price, crafted with the same care as their more expensive counterparts.

  • Q: Can I age The Griffin’s cigars?

    A: Yes, like many premium cigars, The Griffin’s can benefit from aging, which can enhance their flavor complexity over time.

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